The Cost of Kevin Burr

The past four years have been costly to Sapulpa Schools, much of that cost cannot be measured in dollars. The morale of teachers and staff, the loss of incredible educators who could no longer work under fear and intimidation, student achievement, the tarnished reputation of our city can’t really be put into dollar figures. However, the complete and utter destruction of our once financially sound school district is easy to trace. This series will illustrate the cost of having Kevin Burr as superintendent of schools for the past four years, and the one free year we are giving him because Steve McCormick Jr., Larry Hoover, and Mike VanSandt chose to extend his contract in May of 2016. Thank you Wayne Richards and Melinda Ryan for taking a stand and voting no in that session.

The Cost of Kevin Burr – Part I

Superintendents’ Salary

Numerous times I brought this to the attention of the BOE, specifically board president Steve McCormick. Every time I questioned what we were paying Kevin Burr the answer was, “the OSSBA (Oklahoma State School Boards Association) told us this is what we should pay.” However, when I researched the pay of superintendents I found that Sapulpa was one of the highest paying 6A districts excluding the super schools like Union, Jenks and Broken Arrow. Again, numerous times I brought this discrepancy to the attention of the BOE. Some members were responsive; others said I was too “negative.”


Mr. Kevin Burr was brought into Sapulpa in 2012-2013 at the base rate of $155,894.  $42,299 more a year than Dr. Mary Webb left the district in 2012 after more than 30 years of service.

4 years’ x $42,299 = $169,196
1 year’ base salary based on severance deal (2015-2016 rate) = $154,202
Total Base Pay Cost 4 years + 1 year severance = $323,398

Plus 20% for taxes & retirement $  64,680
(This will most likely be closer to 30% when all is done)

Total Cost of Overpaying Kevin Burr $388,078

Superintendent Base Salary by District (click for larger view)

2015 Enrollment by District (click for larger view).

To put this in perspective, the cost to the district for a classroom teacher is around $50,000 a year. Sapulpa could have added 2 teachers each of the four years Kevin Burr was employed for what was spent on his exorbitant salary. For the 2015-2016 school year base pay of Lloyd Snow (Sand Springs) was $125,000 and Dr. Robert Wood (Bixby) was $165,431. Both of these men have more than 10 years’ experience as head superintendent. Kevin Burr had zero years’ experience as head superintendent when he came to Sapulpa.

By the Numbers: Base Salary Vs. Enrollment

Superintendent Base Salary by District (click for larger view)
Superintendent Base Salary by District (click for larger view)
2015 Enrollment by District (click for larger view).
2015 Enrollment by District (click for larger view).


Burr 2012-2013 $155,894

Burr 2013-2014 $155,527,%202014.pdf

Burr 2014-2015 $154,990

Burr 2015-2016 $154,202

Dr. Mary Webb left the district in 2012 after more than 30 years of service. Her base pay was $113,595.

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