Sunday Timeloop: marathons, beauty pageants, and what else you missed this week

Good morning! Welcome to the Sunday Timeloop, the subscribers-only newsletter brought to you by Sapulpa Times that catches you up on what you might’ve missed last week, and helps you prepare for the week ahead.

News you need to know now

  • ☀️ Weather Check: Weather looks sunny for the first few days of the week with some rain expected in the last half of the week.
  • ? It’s 8 days to Christmas! The Jingles Bells Sweepstakes and Christmas parade were yesterday, and both were a huge hit this year. Look for those stories this week.
  • ? School is officially out for several school districts, and the events at the Chute are still offering a chance to get out of the house and spend time with family. Check the events at

If you only read one story, make it this one

Other news you might’ve missed

Lastly, we’re working on something big for those of you who are fans of the Sapulpa Times! It’s something a lot of you have asked for—and we can’t wait to unveil it. Stay tuned!

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The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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