Stop buying your school supplies from the big box stores and do this instead

TLDR: Merrifield Office Supply will save you money and time on school supplies, and deliver it to the school for free. Place your order online now.

July’s not even over, and we’re being inundated with advertising and reminders of one of the worst days of the year (or best, depending on how you look at it): the end of summer break.


If you’re a parent of a kid in Sapulpa Public Schools—or any school, really—you know that it can be expensive and time-consuming to get your kids ready for the new school year. You have to go shopping for backpacks, clothes, shoes…heck, you might need to shop for a second job just to put your kid through high school.

Thankfully, a local office supply store is stepping up to the plate to help shoulder the burden with one of the biggest expenses of the new year: school supplies.

Merrifield Office Supply, located at 608 E. Dewey Ave., has pretty much perfected the process of handling your child’s school supplies list, and saves you both in time and in money.

To start, Merrifield already has every single school supplies list for any of the schools in the Sapulpa Public Schools district (and probably has them for many of the surrounding schools, too). They know how to buy the most common products in bulk, and can pass those savings on to you. That means that the entire list for school supplies for the average Pre-K through 3rd-grader is just $35.00 (taxes included!) and for 4th and 5th graders it goes up to just $40.00.

And the kicker is that Merrifield will deliver the supplies to your school, and to your teacher, for free. That will leave you a little extra time to enjoy your fun in the sun with one less thing to worry about.

You can fill out and pay for your child’s school supplies quickly and easily, using this form, right here. If you’d prefer to pay in the store or with a check, call Merrifield at (918) 224-6151 and place your order over the phone.

Do you have any other tips or tricks for saving money for back-to-school? Let us know in the comments!

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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