Still two chances to see the library’s “Mad Science” virtual Halloween Program

The Sapulpa Times reached out to Derik Brock, “Chief Mad Scientist” and President of Mad Science of Central Oklahoma to learn more about Mad Science. Brock provided the following information:

“Mad Science has been a community partner in schools throughout the country, both public and private for nearly 40 years. We have been able to spark imaginative learning with workshop enrichment programs, STEM-focused family nights, and exciting special events and parties. Our mission is to spark the imagination and curiosity of children everywhere. We do this by providing them with fun, interactive, and educational activities that instill a clear understanding of science and how it affects the world around us. With nearly 30 years of experience, we are experts in spectacular science. We currently offer activities at schools, community centers, preschools, and camps at about 200 locations in North America and about 20 other countries worldwide.”

“We have been active in Oklahoma for 14 years now. We are privileged to partner with over 300 public and private schools, most public libraries statewide, and numerous parks and recreation centers. We partner with the FOX Weather team to provide free Tornado safety training and are regular guests at Chick-Fil-A Restaurants, the Oklahoma City Philharmonic, and school districts throughout the state. Additionally, we have a regular television spot on FOX 25 in Oklahoma City every Monday and Friday morning at 9:45.”


Get your tickets and reserve your spot here!

This is a FREE event. Located in Frank Hall on the Lower Level of the Sapulpa Public Library. Limited seating available. Masks requested to be worn.

Virtual Screening of a 2 part video series from Mad Science.

Dragons, Science, and More!

You must RSVP to attend or request a free ticket, while supplies last.

(918) 224-5624 or email 

Here is a promo video from Mad Science Halloween!

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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