SPS to appear at city council tonight to petition for mask mandate, BOE discusses upcoming elections and donations received

SPS is expected to return to Sapulpa City Council on the evening of Monday, November 16 to aid in the discussion and possible adoption of a proclamation requiring a city-wide mask mandate. This was discussed at Monday evening’s Sapulpa Public Schools Board of Education meeting.

Written by City Attorney David Widdoes, the proclamation addresses an October 27, 2020 COVID-19 hospitalization report from DHS stating that the Tulsa metropolitan area’s estimated ventilator utilization was the highest in the nation and the area ranked among the top ten for estimated staffed intensive care unit bed utilization and ventilator utilization. The city’s new proclamation also covers updated recommendations released November 10 from the CDC regarding face coverings in public settings, particularly when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, and when around people who do not live in the same household.

There was a discussion on upcoming board elections scheduled for February 9, 2021. The election will only be held if there are three or more candidates who file to run. Qualified individuals interested in running are to file at the Creek County Election Board between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday, December 7 to Wednesday, December 9. 


Superintendent Rob Armstrong congratulated Freedom Elementary Principal Alison Owens, her staff, and students for being awarded the Nation Blue Ribbon Award. “What a wonderful honor for the District,” Armstrong exclaimed. He explained that “they were one of six to receive the award” and that “this is the highest honor a school can be awarded,” nationally. A District celebration for Freedom is to come.

The Board approved several donations to various schools, including one of $594.95 to Freedom Elementary, $1,560.04 to Holmes Park, and $315.50 to Jefferson Heights, from Assistance League of Tulsa for the Betty Bradstreet Arts Education Award. Next was the approval of a $1,000 grant from Cox Charities for its 2020 Innovation in Education Grants, and lastly was a $1,000 grant presented by Tulsa Community Foundation through the Cox Charities Innovation in Education Grant Program.

Superintendent Armstrong congratulated Director of Accountability and Accreditation, Kim Castaldi, who received her Doctorate in Education. He continued with other congratulations to Volleyball Coach Corey Harp and Cross Country Coach Debra Williams for being chosen as Region 2 Coaches Of the Year. Both teams made it to State. We are “very proud of them,” said Armstrong. 

He continued his district updates with the report that the Ping Pings are preparing for State and said he and his office are sending them well wishes. He stated that there are “lots of great things going on in the District as we prepare for Thanksgiving and Winter Break which are right around the corner.”

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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