Spotlight on Sapulpa History: Headlines from December 8th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Thursday, December 8, 1910, Sapulpa Evening Light: Business Men’s Club Wrecked by Sheriff

“When Sheriff Stein, accompanied by four deputies swooped down on the Business Mens’ Club in the Turner building, last night about 9 o’clock, the most sensational raid in the history of Sapulpa was pulled off. As a result of the raid, the club which was said to be one of the finest in the southwest, is today literally stripped of furniture and four men are in the county jail awaiting bond for selling whiskey and gambling…Two of his deputies who are not known to the elevator boy, stepped on the elevator on the first floor and pulled their guns on the boy. Holding him against the side of the elevator so he could not press the button and give the alarm to the watch on the fourth floor, the deputies called to their assistance, the other deputies and went to the fourth floor, where the fun started. Roulette wheels, poker tables, furniture of all description and a large quantity of liquor were taken by the sheriff…”

Wednesday, December 8, 1920, Sapulpa Herald: May Improve City Streets

“Louis Davidson introduced a resolution last night at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce which asks for pavement repairs on some of the main streets. The resolution which was adopted was as follows: ‘Whereas the surface of the asphalt pavement in the city of Sapulpa, upon Hobson Ave, Dewey Ave, Lee Ave, and Main Street and cross streets, under paving contracts upon which the ten year period has expired is badly in need of repair…’”

Thursday, December 8, 1960, Democrat News: Peggy Carlton and Gary Smith Named Bowlers-of-the-Week

“Posting the highest series for women in the current bowling season, this week’s honor goes to Peggy Carlton for her 205-562 series rolled last Wednesday in the Ladies classic League at Nale’s Lanes. Bowler-of-the-Week honors for men this week is awarded to Gary Smith. 223-619 for his performance last Thurs. Night at Nale’s in the City League…Bowling interest in Sapulpa is at a new high as interest in league play picks up and the teams work hard to enhance their respective league standings…”

Tuesday, December 8, 1970, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Commission Studies 12 Bids on Police Station

“Twelve contractors submitted highly competitive bids Monday night on the proposed new Sapulpa Police Station. City Commissioners referred the bids to the architect for study, and scheduled a special meeting Dec. 14 to award the contract. Apparent low bidder was Graham Construction Co. at $106,451 including a base bid of $96,989 plus four alternates-site work, canopy, seamless floor, and plaster facia. Other bids ranged up to $118,152 from Jack Thomas Construction Co. Sapulpa voters on Aug. 4 approved a $120,000 bond issue for construction of the police station…”

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