Spotlight on Sapulpa History: Headlines for December 3rd

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Sunday, December 3, 1911, Creek County Courier: Cotton Comes to Sapulpa

“Without detailing exact amounts, reports received from cotton gins in the city today show that never before in the history of Sapulpa has the cotton ginning and baling industry reached the great proportions in which it is now carried on here. Four well equipped gins are now operating in the city ready to take care of all the cotton brought in by the farmers from all over the county. Monday morning will find the market opened with at least 50 loads on the streets ready for sale by the farmers. Last Monday, 20 loads came in for Monday market, yet the price paide was so much higher than any other in the county that a far greater amount will be brought on this occasion…Twenty-six miles over rough county roads several farmers came on the last market day to be satisfied with the trip. At home, they claimed, dealers were forcing them to sell at 2 cents and thereabouts. The usual system of selling is to finish picking the load Saturday night. On Sunday morning like a string of caravan wagons the loads start from the different localities, arriving here at any time Sunday night or Monday morning. Bright and early on the first day of the week the wagons line up in front of the business houses on Main Street, ready to sell their wares.”

Friday, December 3, 1915, Creek County Republican: The City Library

“Work on the $25,000 Carnegie Building is expected to begin within the next three or four weeks.” The Excise Board at a meeting the other day, approved the vote of one-half million levy for library purposes. The library consequently is now open again to the public. City Attorney Harbison is preparing the papers and will forward to Mr. Carnegie soon. As to the site of the new building, the ladies won’t say anything. The old site has been turned over to the city and will probably be sold.”

Sunday, December 3, 1950, Sapulpa Sunday Herald: Decorate Your Home for Christmas and Pick Up One of Herald’s Prizes

“Sapulpans, here is your chance to make your homes more beautiful during the Christmas season and at the same time win a spot of cash for your efforts. Enter the annual Christmas Home Lighting contest with $65 in prizes to be awarded to persons who show the most originality, beauty, and effectiveness in decorating the exterior of their homes. There are two divisions to the contest, the home lighting division and the window lighting division. The first prize in the home lighting contest will be $25 with $15 to go to the second place winner and $10 to the third…It’s really a lot of fun, just ask the winners of last year’s contest. Don Davis, Sylvia Sea, W.J. Welter, Donald L. Korn, Mr. and Mrs. James stewart, and Tommy Redding were top winners in last year’s highly competitive contest…”

Sunday, December 3, 1978, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Rosalynn Will Greet Sapulpa Special Olympian

“Melvin Hoover, 9-year-old student at the Sapulpa School for Handicapped Children, will received a ‘Spirit of the Special Olympics’ award from Mrs. Jimmy Carter Dec. 10 at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. Melvin, son of Charlene Owens, Rt. 13, will be one of 11 to be honored in Washington, chosen out of 1 million Special Olympians. Mrs. Carter will make the award presentation before the Presidential Premiere of the motion picture ‘Superman,’ which is being shown as a benefit for Special Olympics internationally. Melvin is in his second year in the Special Olympics. He has participated in bowling, art, volleyball, slalom race, 25-yard race and softball throw…”

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