Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for September 30th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Friday, September 30, 1904, Sapulpa Light: Cattle Dipping Vat Here, Sapulpa Will Have the Only One in the Territory

“The cattle interests about Sapulpa will probably receive a decided ‘boost’ in the near future by the establishment of a Cattle Dipping Vat here. Robert Elliott, of Pawnee, Okla, has secured a permit from the government to establish the vat here and is now figuring with the Frisco system concerning it…Sapulpa is considered an excellent place for the location for this vat, not only on account of the large pastures north and west of here, but mainly on account of the large number of cattle that are shipped through here, both from the Panhandle country and Southern Texas. The Frisco is arranging for all these cattle to be fed and watered at Sapulpa, so there is no better place on the system for the location of such a vat…”

Friday, September 30, 1949, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Tomorrow Last Day for X-Ray Unit in Operation Here

“The large white tuberculosis mobile unit, in front of Newberry’s Store on Dewey here, will wind up its schedule Oct. 1. A slight figure over 1,000 still needs to go through the unit to make the quota for Sapulpa. Today a loud-speaker covered the residential section of the city and tomorrow another series of announcements will be made. This program is provided by the State Health Department, the Creek County Tuberculosis Association, and from the sale of seals during the Christmas season from year to year. Citizens are urged to visit the unit on Dewey before the closing hour, Saturday, and help local officials feel that cooperation has been accorded in every manner. The procedure is simple. Again, the statement is made that no undressing is required, no waiting, and no charge is made for this service.”


Tuesday, September 30, 1958, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Sapulpa Cornbread Proves to be Best at Tulsa’s Fair

“Mrs. W.V. McFarlin, 201 W Dewey, won top honors over 28 contestants as the cornbread baking champion, along with six first place ribbons for her other baking feats, at the Tulsa State Fair yesterday. Baking for over 30 years, Mrs. McFarlin has her own recipe, but readily admits she does not always follow it. Her prize winning recipe sometimes has considerable extra portions of ingredients added to it…First place ribbons went to the champ for her white wheat bread, pecan butterscotch rolls, and three kinds of cookies. Today she is matched against the men’s cornbread baking winner in the bake-off. Master of ceremonies at yesterday’s event was Richard Ruhl of Sapulpa. Other Sapulpans entered in the cornbread contests were Mrs. W.W. Woodward, Mrs. W.J. Corgan, Mrs. Carroll Long, Mrs. L.L Hutchinson, Mrs. Alex Naifeh, and Mrs. Eva Hall who was Creek County cornbread champion at the local fair this month.”

Friday, September 30, 1966, Sapulpa Daily Herald: VFW Post Holds Anniversary Fete

“Some 50 persons attended the 72nd anniversary dinner Wednesday of the Veterans of Foreign Wars held at VFW Hall, west of the city. Speakers were Don Davis, Oklahoma City, who spoke on employment of returning Veterans, Mrs. Lucille Swyden, Tulsa, Immediate Past State President of VFW Auxiliary, who spoke on the origin of VFW. Mrs. Swyden is a member of Tulsa Post No. 577. Also speaking was Ottie Rucker, Dept. of Oklahoma Service Officer. The anniversary party was highlighted by the presentation of citations awarded companies and persons who have aided in the local VFW program and objects. Commander H.E. McDougal and Mrs. Louis Redden, VFW Auxiliary President, made presentations to Jim Ruhl, Personnel Manager, accepting for Bartlett-Collins Company; John Pariseau and Green Hill Memorial Gardens and O.B. Knight for his Veterans Memorial work. Wilbert Jones was Master of Ceremonies.”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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