Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for September 17th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Thursday, September 17, 1908, Sapulpa Light: Organizing Loan Company

“The Sapulpa Loan and Realty Company is the name of a corporation that is being organized in Sapulpa. F.E. Farmer the real estate man is shoving the project and is meeting with considerable success. The corporation will be capitalized for $50,000. The object of the corporation is to loan money on Sapulpa realty to persons who will build. Some people are being prevented from building in Sapulpa at present on account of not being able to get loans and it is the object of the corporation to supply this demand. It is much more difficult to get loans on realty in additions to Sapulpa than in the old townsite. The company being organized will be controlled by Sapulpa men who will have confidence in Sapulpa’s addition as well as in the government townsite.”

Monday, September 17, 1934, Sapulpa Herald: Spotlight News Today in Sapulpa

“John Wolford recently out of the A. and M. college at Stillwater, has been employed as assistant athletic coach here, filling vacancy left by Frank Briscoe, who accepted a position at the Clinton High School in Tulsa…A telegram to the local Rotary president, John W. Young, Saturday, informed him that Dallas W. Knapp, district governor of Rotary will make an official visit to Sapulpa tomorrow at the noon luncheon of the club at the Y.W.C.A…Three members of a Sapulpa family were injured early yesterday morning while returning from a vacation spent in Texas, 25 miles out of El Paso…Friday night someone entered the garage of Mrs. Gertrude Boykin at 1212 E Lincoln and stole a 50-pound sack of egg mash. This is the second theft of a similar nature taking place at the Boykin residence. A month ago unknown parties entered the same garage and stole the egg mash and a pack of onions…A large truck carrying equipment used here recently in the union revival conducted by Evangelist B.B. Crimm, was considerably damaged by fire when the gasoline tank exploded, burning a grand piano, song books, the canvas for the tabernacle, and clothing owned by Rev. Crimm and his singer Reve. H.M. Powell…A cup offered in the month handicap shoot at the Tulsa Archery Club was awarded Miss Eunice Lewis, local High School teacher here. Her score was 1475 in the match at Boulder Park…”

Tuesday, September 17, 1968, Democrat News: Move to Sapulpa

“Five new residents moved to Sapulpa during the week ending Sept. 12, according to records maintained by Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. New residents, their address, employers, and former place of residence include: Bert. E. Workman, 602 N Ridgeway, Rogers Galv., Okmulgee; Richard D. Stephenson, 1230 E Jackson, Auto Convoy, Dallas, Texas; Dan Caldwell, 805 N Hodge, Sears, California; Virgil Foster, 227 W Orleans, Affiliated Foods, Tulsa; Geneva Hogue, 628 S Adams, Indiana.”

Tuesday, September 17, 1974, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Auxiliary Police Service Honored

“Six charter members of the Sapulpa Auxiliary Police were recipients of the Mayor’s Award Monday night at the City Commission meeting in recognition of their service to the community. Mayor Dale Block presented the awards to Auxiliary Police Chief Roy Rainwater, Assistant Chief Robert Steward, Hubert Aston, Ralph Stroup, B.F. Wooden, Jr., and William Taylor, Jr. Block noted the organization was founded in 1955 and the six had been members since its inception…”

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