Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for September 13th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Monday, September 13, 1937, Sapulpa Herald: Kiefer Schools Closed Due to 1 Meningitis Case

“Kiefer schools were closed indefinitely today as a precautionary move following illness, a five and one-half years old primary pupil from spinal meningitis. A specific diagnosis was being awaited today to determine whether or not the spinal meningitis was of the contagious type. Dr. Curry, Sapulpa physician, stated he went to Tulsa, yesterday to observe the child and said the opinion of Dr. Bradley, of Tulsa, leaned toward the belief that the case was not of the contagious variety. The child was reported getting along fine today. The girl became ill Thursday and was sent home from school. Friday she was taken to Morningside Hospital in Tulsa, after being brought here to Dr. Curry…They stated that the school building would be fumigated today. The board members were uncertain just what procedure to take, or how long the school would be closed, until they learned whether or not the case was contagious…”

Tuesday, September 13, 1960, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Schedules, Judges for Fair Cooking Contest Listed

“Event times and judges for the cornbread baking and cookout contest to be held in connection with the Sapulpa District Fair…Judges will be Miss Linda LEwis, Oklahoma Gas and Electric, and Miss Joyce Donnell, Oklahoma Natural Gas. Both women are home consultants for their firm. The preliminary cornbread baking contest for women will be held 3 pm Friday, while the men’s competition will be from 9 to 10 am Friday. The runoff or finals for both divisions will be held from 10 am to 3 pm Saturday…Everything is furnished for cornbread baking contestants, while entrants in the cookout contest must furnish their own meat turners and any special sauces. Cookers and charcoal for the cookout contest are being furnished by Farmers Hardware of Sapulpa…”

Monday, September 13, 1971, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Planned Short Flight Shorter

“When started out as a seven trip to a cross town airport ended up a half-mile after takeoff as a crash landing in a rural pond Sunday for Sapulpan Les Hughes and his son Sunday afternoon. Hughes, 910 S Adams, had planned a flight to Harvey-Young airport just seven miles away on the west side of Tulsa. On take off from Tulsa’s Riverside Airport his single engine Ercoupe plane stalled at about an altitude of 400 feet. ‘I had given the plane a complete checkover before the flight and everything seemed all right. I had just flown the plane two days before,’ said Hughes, a veteran flier since 1955. ‘Then, just after takeoff the engine quit.’…”

Monday, September 13, 1982, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Fire Station Closes for Day

“Fire Station Number Three was closed today because of lack of manpower. However, the station will be occupied tonight and is expected to reopen Tuesday. Fire Marshal Tony Woodall pointed out seven rookie firefighters were attending school in Stillwater, one firefighter is on vacation, and one was injured over the weekend. Therefore, according to Woodall, it was advisable to close one station in order to fully staff the remaining two…The people of Sapulpa will receive ‘better service through better training’…OSU has a firefighting program recognized as superior across the country and is specially equipped to offer the best training possible. The OSU manual is used by firefighters throughout the United States…”

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