Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for October 8th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Friday, October 8, 1915, Creek County Republican: Premium Plant Burns

“Fire nearly destroyed the factory last Saturday. The Premium Glass Plant, one of Sapulpa’s most substantial factories, located in the northeast part of the city, was nearly completely destroyed by fire, which broke out at 1:30 last Saturday afternoon. The fire department made the long run to the plant and laid five lines of hose. The fire started in the south end of the plant, caused by a gas explosion. The wind was from the south, and it fanned the blaze right through the plant. A box car, standing on a siding adjoining, filled with glassware, was partially destroyed. The firemen stopped the flames at the warehouse, where thousands of dollars worth output was stored. It is thought that the machines can be repaired with little expense, but the main building is a total loss. The company carried insurance.”

Friday, October 8, 1937, Sapulpa Free Press: Softball Team is Praised, Feted by Sapulpa Crowd

“Headlining the program in the ‘after dinner’ hole at Sapulpa’s appreciation banquet for the B & B softball team Tuesday night Jimmie Wilson, sage of Polecat Creek, compared softball ‘as played in the hills of Tennessee’ with that of today. Approximately 200 civic-minded and public-spirited citizens deposited dollar bills on the mahogany to see again the B & B Clothiers who brought second place honors back from the national tournament to Sapulpa and make possible the purchase of jackets as awards to the players. Eleven members of the state championship team attended the banquet and heard words of appreciation and praise from Fred Cowden, president of Chamber of Commerce; Vern McKinney, business manager of the softball team; Earle Berryhill, sponsor of the team; Sid Steen, president of the state softball association and Tulsa World’s sports writer; Edgar Maggi, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce; and Jimmie Wilson. Softballers present were introduced…Denver Grigsby, manager, Allen Wallace, Bill Robeson, Champ Huddleston, Blue Gibson, Tommy Berryhill, Jack Brown, Billy Blake, Guinney Lowry, Bobby Coughron, Brownie Cannon, and Johnny Brand. On the absentee list…Carl ‘Two Gun’ Hart, Frank Tuppen, ‘Greeky’ Lewis and Dick Krueger…”


Wednesday, October 8, 1952, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Woodlawn Plans to Hold Fun Night

“At their regular Tuesday meeting, the woodlawn PTA executive board and Home Room mothers, decided to have their annual Fun Night on Oct. 23 at the Youth Center…Each grade group will have different responsibility – The first grade will be in charge of selling pop and coffee; the second grade in charge of selling super dogs; the third in charge of the ‘fish pond’; the fourth responsible for the ‘cake walk’; the fifth grade will have a country store, and the sixth will have a wheel of fortune…”

Wednesday, October 8, 1986, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Many Sapulpans Lend a Hand

“Sapulpans came to the aid of their neighbors in record number Saturday…Bartlett Memorial Medical Center was among the helpers, taking in 30 extra people. The hospital helped to house patients of Riverside Nursing Home, Jenks, Saturday afternoon until the area was declared safe Sunday. The patients were originally taken to a Jenks church where family members could pick up relatives…Jenks school buses transported the patients to the hospital…Nursing home staff members stayed with patients at the hospital and helped prepare meals…The hospital staff was not the only group of residents that were preparing for flood victims. Two churches in town, First Baptist Church and Presbyterian Church, prepared to house flood victims, though, none came…”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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