Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for October 22nd

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Friday, October 22, 1915, Creek County Republican: Organized Fuel Co.

“The Sapulpa Fuel Company is the name of a new incorporation chartered under the laws of the State of Oklahoma. The company is incorporated for $125,000 and the men named in the papers are H.U. Bartlett, Fred J. Lucas, and H.A. McCauley. It is the intention of the new company to lay a gas line to wells west of the city, or purchase the Central Light & Fuel Co. if that can be done. At the mass meeting some weeks ago, it was decided to back a holding company with $100,000 of the park bonds. The idea is to furnish gas to the various manufacturers at the old rate of three cents. The forming of this company is the first step taken and looks like commercial club and citizens mean business.”

Thursday, October 22, 1931, Sapulpa Herald: Complete Plans for P.O. Here

“Specifications for Sapulpa’s new post office building arrived at the office of Postmaster W.R. Casteel this morning. The building is to be erected at an approximate cost of $150,000. Bids for the contract will be opened at Washington, D.C. November 20. The contractor has 360 days in which to complete the building, after the contract is awarded. Workmen are busy now clearing the lot where the building is to be erected, at the corner of Elm and Lee. The post office will face west on Elm Street. Specifications for the building call for red facing brick to be used with light buff limestone and light gray granite. The building will have a green tile roof. Three sets of double doors will open on the steps from Elm Street. Bronze and marble will combine to make the entrance both beautiful and substantial. Light posts will stand at the portals…”

Friday, October 22, 1937, Sapulpa Free Press: Salvation Army Will Campaign for Funds

“A drive for $3,000 to be used to care for Sapulpa’s needy both local and translate will be launched from November 1 to 5 by the Salvation Army. The campaign for charity funds will be directed by W. Woodruff, general chairman of the drive, and will fill most of the budget needs. The budget total was set at $4,755 by the local advisory board with the difference to be made up in contributions and collections…”

Monday, October 22, 1984, Sapulpa Daily Herald: DHS Plans Open House

“The Department of Human Services will celebrate having a new building Thursday with an open house…The facility opened Aug. 30. About 300 invitations went to area businesses, politicians, surrounding county, and state department employees and the builder and architect who refurbished the old post office. The new facility houses 51 workers. It has a larger waiting room than the old facility and has nine interview rooms as opposed to four interview rooms in the old facility. The old facility was cold and drafty, and the new facility has a brand new air conditioner and heating unit…”

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