Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for November 4th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Thursday, November 4, 1915, Sapulpa Herald: Boxing Contest at Kiefer Ends in 6 Round Draw

“Lee Jackson of this city fought a six round draw last night with Teddy Burns. Both are fast young scrappers and the Kiefer fans who saw the fight are anxious for more like it. Jackson is expecting to take on a square jawed gentleman from Jenks named J. Horseborn and Mr. Jackson expects to make him shoehorn before he gets through with him.”

Friday, November 4, 1938, Sapulpa Herald: Flower Show is Slated Saturday

“Everything is all set for the annual autumn flower show, sponsored by the Sapulpa Garden Club to be held in the YWCA tomorrow from noon until 9:30 PM. Judges for the show will be furnished by the Tulsa Garden Club and will not be known here before tomorrow. One of the special features of the show will be arrangements for the Thanksgiving dinner table, also a berry table arrangement, and weeds and grasses arranged artistically for decorations. Exhibitors must have their flowers on display by 11 o’clock when the judging will be commenced. It will continue until noon, and the show will be open to the public. ‘I think we are going to have a very interesting show,’ Mrs. Don Lewis, general chairman, commented. ‘We try to add new entries all the time. We have a lot of entries that will make it very interesting this year.’”


Tuesday, November 4, 1941, Sapulpa Herald: Sheriff’s Office Bears Down on Offenders…Aircraft Building Program Here Praised

“Sheriff Ernest Miller reported one of the quietest September and October periods in the annals of this enforcement office – although deputies were ‘on the make’ cleaning out county liquor violators and polishing off other offenders. Sheriff Miller said his office was ‘out to put teeth in the liquor laws of the state so far as Creek County is concerned.’ There are 27 in the county jail at the present, three of whom are women…The newsletter of the Oklahoma state board for vocational education says ‘probably the most outstanding aircraft training program is in operation at Sapulpa. The supervisor and teachers at Sapulpa are to be congratulated on their very fine program which shows that very much hard work has gone into its development.’ A picture in the special news sheet of the organization shows a Sapulpa at work on a section of an airplane wing that has been fabricated in the aircraft sheet metal class.”

Friday, November 4, 1960, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Allen-Blue Bell HD Clubs Discuss Broiler Cookery

“Allen and Blue Bell Home Demonstration Clubs held a joint morning session recently with Mrs. Jess Cox hostess in the dining room of the Pinto Ranch building. Mrs. Cox presented lesson on broiler cookery after devotionals by Mrs. I.S. Waltrip. At the business discussion directed by Mrs. Bill Harris, plans were made to attend the Creek County Christmas party at Drumright on December 9. The Blue Bell Club made plans for the annual Christmas dinner party for their families on December 17 in Blue Bell School House…”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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