Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for November 29th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Thursday, November 29, 1906, Sapulpa Democrat: Raised $52

“The box supper at Liberty School House, one mile south of Sapulpa, Friday night was a huge success from every standpoint. A large crowd was present and a good time was the result. The sale of boxes netted the building committee just $52, and will go a long ways toward purchasing the necessary furniture for that building. The people residing in that vicinity are to be congratulated for the public spirit manifested in erecting a place to educate their children in.”

Tuesday, November 29, 1910, Sapulpa Daily Democrat: A Championship Contest

“That Sapulpa will shortly be the scene of a real world’s championship wrestling contest was made evident last night when Eddie Robinson, the local promoter, received word from Toledo, Ohio that Johnny Billiter, the world’s champion lightweight wrestler, through his manager, had accepted terms made to him by the Bristow backers of Jack Fisher. AS to the size of the side bet, furnished by the Bristow sports and the amount guaranteed the little champion by the Sapulpa Athletic club, there are still a few important points to be covered before the match is completed, which may necessitate the exchanging of several lengthy telegrams. This match, if arranged, will be staged in the New Airdome, and will be promoted by Eddie Robionson. This pair of husky little grapplers should furnish a very choice article for the local fans and it should also prove a great boost to Sapulpa. Think of it, a little burg like this staging a real world’s championship contest!”


Monday, November 29, 1920, Sapulpa Herald: Company Head Talks to C.C.

“Robert Coffy talks about light rate increase before the Chamber of Commerce. It shows that the company is not planning a huge hike in the city…Mr. Coffey emphasized the fact that there has been general satisfaction with the service which the company has. The rates have been lower than at Tulsa and Muskogee…In order that this company and the gas company may have opportunity to get their sides before the public their local representatives, Mr. Coffey and Arthur B. Bracken of the gas company has been invited to make a 20 minute address to the next Chamber of Commerce meeting…”

Saturday, November 29, 1930, Sapulpa Herald: Second Trades Day on Monday

“Sapulpa second ‘Trades Day’ will be observed on Monday of next week with local merchants having high hopes of many visitors from surrounding cities here today. Supervision of the affairs for the people and there is just a little dissatisfaction due to the fact that no local person has charge. A contract entered into by merchants agreeing to let the out of town conductors have charge of two trades days will be changed if it can and a local man will be in charge of the next one…”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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