Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for November 1st

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Monday, November 1, 1909, Sapulpa Light: Paving Resolution No. 7

“A resolution to pave a portion of Main Street in the City of Sapulpa, Oklahoma. Be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Sapulpa, Oklahoma – First: that it is necessary to pave Main Street from the North line of Lincoln Ave to North line of North line of section line road in the City of Sapulpa… ‘An Act to provide for the improvement of streets and other public places within cities of the first class, by grading, paving macadamizing curbing, draining and guttering the same…D.A. McDougal, Mayor, Ira J. Anderson, City Clerk.’”

Monday, November 1, 1926, Sapulpa Herald: Casey Hotel was Robbed by Two Brothers

“A robbery, the details of which were still somewhat vague, was executed by two brothers at the Casey Hotel late last night. Frank Stine, railroad man, victim of the hold up. The two brothers who gave their name as Taler, and as being from Oilton, came to the hotel some two or three days ago to obtain rooms. Last night, it was said at the hotel this afternoon, the two brothers came to their rooms and Stine and T.J. Casey went into the room to visit them. After some conversation, the brothers drew guns upon the two men, taking the $300 from Stine. The description of the men is given as being about 5 feet in height, weight about 150 pounds, and dressed alike. The robbers made their escape after robbing the hotel folk, leaving the hotel with the promise to mail a dollar owed to the hotel.”


Tuesday, November 1, 1960, Sapulpa Daily Herald: George Whitten is Named 1961 Chamber President

“George Whitten was elected president of the Chamber of Commerce for 1961 at the organizational meeting of the new and old boards Tuesday morning. Whitten, Sapulpa Oldsmobile dealer, currently is a member of the chamber board. He has been active in chamber work and other civic organizations since coming to Sapulpa four years ago…Chamber directors heard reports on the Tibbens Road project from Fred Cowden, Heber Finch, Jr. Milford Davis, and Marvin Strain. All said that time was of the essence in clearing the right-of-way for the proposed project and urged the chamber to raise funds in some manner to go ahead with the work so that the contract on the highway can be let in early February…”

Monday, November 1, 1965, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Girls Open Candy Sales in Sapulpa

“The Camp Fire and Blue Birds annual candy sale is underway and the goal is 6,000 boxes. A new addition offered this year is mint patties along with the traditional assorted chocolates. The candy sells for $1 per box. Last year the girls sold 5,581 boxes of the chocolates. Some 300 girls are trying to outsell each other and vie for awards for top sales. Proceeds from the candy sales are used for the day camp program, upkeep on Camp Oki-Wa-Nee, west of town, and group activities. The sale will continue through Nov 14.”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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