Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in History for November 12th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Saturday, November 12, 1910, Sapulpa Daily Democrat: Sapulpa Auto Owners

“Following is the complete list of the owners of automobiles in the city together with the numbers of the machines – numbered 101 to 130 in this order: C.E. Shiver, Hupplester, A.O. Frampton, R.B. Dingman, H.D. Appleby, R.C. Kinnard, C.B. Potter, M.B. Wells, W.A. Wise, H.A. Hollenback, Sapulpa Auto Livery Co., B.B. Burnett, Tinker & Taylor, B.C. Burnett, A.V. Ruppert, A.B. Grimes, W.A. Moyer, Ben Cash, L.B. Fisher, John Brady, Dr. J.H. Hoover, Dr. J.H. Coonell, L.C. Farnham, Porter Carmichael, W.O. Walters, Joe Bruner, Sapulpa Auto Livery Co., Spaulding & Nickerson, D.B. Mondier, Louis Jacobs. The police claim that some of the owners of automobiles have been violating the speed ordinance, and also the regulation requiring lights to be placed on the rear of all machines when used after daylight. The ordinance hereafter will be enforced to the letter while the light regulation will also be insisted upon.”

Thursday, November 12, 1931, Sapulpa Herald: Shoplifter’s Loot Recouped by Police

“Three women shoplifters were apprehended by city police yesterday about noon in front of Monnigs store on Main Street. A hat and a pair of stockings were taken from them and returned to the Newberry store on Dewey Avenue. Officers did not book the women at the jail but forced them to give up the stolen property. Their names were not obtained after they promised to leave the city. The women were well dressed and were driving a new car. Officers took up their trail after the manager of the Newberry store saw one of them take a hat there.”


Tuesday, November 12, 1957, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Three Sapulpans Among Inductees

“Three Sapulpans were among those inducted into the armed forces for the months of October and November. Jerry W. Dickerson, Carl W. Whiteside, and Frankie Dean Cochran, from Sapulpa, and Billy Carl Macomb, Bristow, were inducted into the Army during the past month, according to the selective service board.”

Thursday, November 12, 1981, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Okemah Resident Injured Slightly in Plane Crash

“Okemah bank president Allison Kelly received a back injury Monday afternoon when the plane he was piloting crashed at Bristow’s Jones Memorial Airport shortly before one o’clock. Kelly apparently lost control of his single engine Grumman American Tiger while practicing landing. Skid marks indicate that the plane veered off the west side of the runway. Kelly apparently got the plane back into the air, narrowly missing the airport gas pumps and a twin engine Aztec plane before clipping the top of the second of the airport’s three hangars with a wheel and tearing off the nose gear. The plane was spun around by the impact and tore through the steel roof and crossbeam with with a propeller before crashing on its belly on the west side of the hangar beside Airport Road…The aircraft, which is owned by Kelly and four other members of the Bristow Aero flying club, appeared to be a total loss. The right wing was completely torn off, and parts of the plane were scattered around the hangar…”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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