Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines in history for August 19th

Rachel Whitney, Curator,
Sapulpa Historical Museum

Tuesday, August 19, 1913, Sapulpa Evening Democrat:

Struck by Lightning

“When the huge clouds came up Sunday afternoon many people feared this city was to have a storm. Information from the county north of us is to the effect that there was a perfect downpour for over a half hour and that the rain was accompanied by terrific bolts of lightning. The huge barn, known as the Randolph Bridges Barn, was struck by lightning and was totally destroyed by fire.”


Wednesday, August 19, 1936, Sapulpa Herald:

W.E. Day, Negro School Principal Succumbs Today

“Prof. W.E. Day, for 22 years Principal of the Booker T. Washington School, died here at 1 o’clock today…Day’s age is approximated today at 68. He is survived by his widow, Adele Day, who is a teacher in the Dallas colored school system; by three daughters, Nannie C. Day, in the Tulsa school system; Mrs. A.B. McGee of Chicago, and Mrs. A. Douglas of Sherman, Tex…Day, who came here about 1914, has built the colored school system of this community up until it ranks second to none in the state for a school its size. He has been untiring in his educational enthusiasm for the colored people. The school principal holds a number of degrees and has kept the standard of the Booker T. Washington School of Sapulpa high…Active in charitable and other civic projects – Day has gone through many trying periods in the school system of this city. He has been rated frequently as one of the highest ranking negro school principals in the state of Oklahoma. Day also holds the distinction of being among the oldest in consecutive school service in any single community.”

Thursday, August 19, 1948, Sapulpa Herald:

Remodeling at Chastain’s Gives Store New Look

“This weekend shoppers will have an opportunity to see the newly remodeled Chastain’s Department Store, 207 E Dewey, which has recently completed. All departments in the store have been enlarged with the west side of the building being equipped with men’s clothing, furnishings, and shoes, and the east side consisting of dry goods and ladies’ ready-to-wear. Built-in clothing racks with chromium bars, new shelves, and the cashier’s stand are in a natural finish. A handsome asphalt tile floor has been laid and fluorescent lights have been installed…New dressing rooms have been built…”

Wednesday, August 19, 1970, Sapulpa Daily Herald:

Immunization  Rush on as School Time Nears

“August is normally a busy month at health department immunization clinics, and the pace has picked up considerably this year with the enactment of legislation this summer which requires certain immunizations be up-to-date for school entrance. Certification, for those entering kindergarten or the first grade or transfers from any school in or out of state in any grade kindergarten through eighth, must be presented at the time of enrollment…The Creek County Health Department, which holds a free immunization clinic each Tuesday, has been swamped with requests for immunization records and the needed injections…”

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