Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for March 9th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Tuesday, March 9, 1909, Sapulpa Light: City Fathers in Session

“The city council met in regular session last night and was called to order by Mayor Denton, with Aldermen Menifee, Matthews, Blake, Hopper, Crawford, Cox and Brady present. The session was rather a lengthy one and considerable business was transacted…The first matter to come before the council and to be discussed was that relating to the county seat fight. Attorney L. B. Jackson addressed the body on the subject and expressed himself as being doubtful whether the citizens of Sapulpa were alive to the importance of the matter and were properly caring for their interests. He said that the people of Bristow who were contending for the location of the court house at that point, were using every possible means to win the fight. Already he informed the council and those present that the city-council of Bristow had provided a $5,000 fund with which to secure attorneys to properly look after the interests of that city. He said, also, that much was being done in the matter of securing evidence…”

Thursday, March 9, 1911, Creek County Courier: Sapulpa Now Has Retail Merc. Body

“The Sapulpa Retail Merchants Association was organized Wednesday night with much eclat, more than 60 names going on the charter membership list. More than 100 businessmen and property owners of the city were present and all were in hearty sympathy with the movement. W. T. Creegan was elected president of the association, unanimously, and Steve Hurd was elected secretary by the same vote. Addresses were made by Messrs. Creegan, Hurd, Watchorn, Stone, Wilson and others, all endorsing the organization of the association and all boosting for the city of Sapulpa…”


Friday, March 9, 1934, Sapulpa Free Press: Townlot Sale Held by Commissioners

“Sale of a few hundred town lots in the county was opened by the county commissioners Thursday at the courthouse, selling lots that were advertised during the past four weeks. In the absence of R. M. Moss, chairman of the board, who has been ill this week, H. H. Dailey assumed the role of auctioneer, and started the sale at 10 o’clock with Sapulpa property. All Sapulpa lots and several other lots were put up Thursday, and the sale was recessed at 4 o’clock until 9 o’clock this morning. Spirited bidding was shown on some of the Drumright lots this morning, several bids going to $100. Thursday a total of over $600 was taken in, and estimates are that the sale will run close to $2,000.”

Wednesday, March 9, 1949, Sapulpa Herald: County Red Cross Officials Active

“Mrs. Moraul Bosonetto, chairman, Creek County Chapter American Red Cross, Clyde Patrick, Fund Campaign Chairman, Mrs. Hazel Davis, Executive Secretary, has been active in various organizations in the County. Mrs. Bosonetto and Mrs. Patrick speaking about the various activities of Red Cross, and Mrs. Davis showing films of Red Cross activities. Mrs. Davis spoke and showed the film ‘Toronado Town’ which is a picture of the Woodward Disaster at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in Oilton March 7. On the evening of March 8. Mrs. Bosonetto are invited to a special meeting in Mannford. The chapter has several very interesting films on Red Cross activities and any club or organization may use these films on request at the Red Cross office in the Clayton Building. It is planned to show the Campaign which begins March 10.”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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