Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for March 7th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Monday, March 7, 1910, Sapulpa Evening Light: New Gusher is 1 Mile North of Refinery

“Some excitement has been occasioned among oil men by the completion of a 200 barrel well on the Lucy Lee allotment in Section 11-14-18, one mile north of the Sapulpa refinery. The gusher is three-fourths of a mile in advance of oil developments. It was stated this morning since the completion of this well, the price of leases in that vicinity have taken an upward tendency. Land that could have been leased at $10 an acre Saturday readily brought $30 an acre this morning. Land is being leased for miles around the gusher. The well is owned by the Gypsy Oil company which has extensive holdings in this field. The drilling of this well will result in much activity in operations in that section. Oil men are optimistic regarding the future of the field.”

Friday, March 7, 1919, Creek County Republican: New Loan Association Opens Offices

“The Sapulpa Building & Loan Association, which was organized here recently, opened for business Saturday in the offices of Boyd & Masters, 11 South Park Street. The association will be under the management of Claud Masters. The demand for an institution of this nature has existed in Sapulpa for many years, and its organization on such a solid foundation, with the men back of it, will without doubt be a big factor in the future building of this city. For the past five years Sapulpa has been handicapped and hindered in its growth and development by a shortage of residences. Thousands of people have been turned away from our doors because they could not find a house to live in, and there are many residents here who would be home owners now had they been able to secure the assistance this association offers…”

Saturday, March 7, 1942, Sapulpa Herald: Sugar Rationing for Creek Co. to be Effected Soon

“Creek county will go on sugar rationings in the immediate future, it was announced this morning by county food stamp officials. The order has been received from Leon Henderson OPC administrator. What the rationing amount will be is yet to be learned from authorities. Books containing rationing supplies for three months have arrived to be distributed to 62,000 over the county including children and adults. Officials stated that ‘it is imperative that everyone have a sugar rationing book.’ The order, however, does not affect hotels, restaurants and cafes. L. L. Little, the issuing stamp officer, is in charge of the distribution of these books. They will be circulated over the county largely through the teachers in the public schools. Punishment for the violation of the sugar rationing plan will involve an imprisonment of possibly ten years, a $10,000 fine or both.”

Tuesday, March 7, 1972, Democrat News: Sidewalk Sale Date August 7

“The Consumer Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce announced Aug. 7 as the date for Sapulpa’s annual Sidewalk Sale. The committee chose the date in a Thursday morning meeting, according to co-chairmen Ray Harrison and Ken Holloway. A three man committee was also appointed to serve as planning group for a special promotion April 15 described as an after income tax sale. Appointed to the committee were Jim Smith, Bruce Anderson and Curt Colbenson. Gabe Gierhart suggested the possibility of the chamber sponsoring a state pipe smokers contest as a preliminary to the national event that will be held this summer in Minnesota. The committee also discussed the reorganization of night openings for retail stores in Sapulpa. Western Days, in conjunction with the Fred Patrick Rodeo, will start around June 19. The rodeo is scheduled for June 22 through 24.”

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