Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for March 2nd

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Saturday, March 2, 1912, Sapulpa Evening Light: Many Are Wondering Who Will Be Delegates

“There is considerable speculation as to who will be the delegates to the Republican National convention in Chicago in June. John Egan, president of the Oklahoma State Bank and president of the Taxpayers’ League, is one of the most promising as a delegate to the convention although such men as Dr. Wade Bone, Henry Beard have been suggested as the proper men to be sent. Many of the Republicans are in favor of Mr. Egan, however, as he is known as a loyal Republican and it is believed that his actions would be for the best interest of Creek County Republicans. It will be finally decided at the congressional convention on March 14 as to who will be sent to represent Creek County Republicans.”

Saturday, March 2, 1918, Sapulpa Herald: Mize Drug Store Opens Home Today

“Despite the fact that the linoleum with which to cover the floor has not yet arrived, the Mize Drug Store, No. 1, opened its doors at its new location, the former Rose Bargain Store, on Dewey avenue this morning. It was at first thought that the store would be in condition for the opening last Saturday morning, but the failure to arrive of several shipments of new stock prevented the opening at that time and plans were laid for the opening on last Wednesday. The linoleum’s delay caused a further postponement, but Manager Wood decided that later delay would be unnecessary and announced the opening yesterday. The store was opened at an early hour this morning for a share of the city’s Saturday both the owner, J. N. Mize, and the manager, Ray Wood, entertained the same hopes for a good day throughout today and tonight as did the other city merchants who forecasted one of the city’s best business days yesterday.”


Saturday, March 2, 1929, Sapulpa Herald: Noted Singer is Club Guest

“Madame Belle Chinois, internationally known prima donna, who is residing now at Tulsa, became a member of the Business and Professional Women’s club of this city last night, when members of that organization voted unanimously in approval of her application for membership here. Although she has had invitations to become a member of this club in other cities, Madame Chinois, who has been the guest of the Sapulpa club on former occasions, chose to place her membership here. Madame Chinois sang last season with the Chicago Civic Opera company, and has also appeared with the Philadelphia Civic Opera company. Miss Elizabeth Mann presided at a business session of the club following the serving of dinner at the Y. W.C. A. last evening. Miss Gertrude Davis. director of district 1. Reported briefly on the joint conference of districts 1 and 2, which was held here last Saturday and Sunday. She expressed appreciation for the hospitality which people of Sapulpa extended to the visitors, and for the cooperation of other organizations and individuals of the city in making the conference a success.”

Saturday, March 2, 1935, Sapulpa Herald: CCC Camp to Be C. of C. Meet Subject…Sapulpa High Band Queen is Crowned

“Concrete moves in the effort to locate a CCC camp in Sapulpa will be aired in the Chamber of Commerce directors meeting to be held here Tuesday evening, it was announced this morning by R. E. Aitcheson, president of this organization. He stated that the chamber hoped to be installed in its new home at the corner of Dewey avenue and Main streets in the next several days. Plans are being made to display a side wall of Sapulpa industrial photographs. Exhibits of products made in Sapulpa will also be arranged in small displays. An open house for the inauguration of the move to new quarters is being considered by officials…A large audience witnessed the coronation of Miss Mildred Oakes as band queen last night at the high school, during which program a concert was played by the orchestra and band under the direction of Capt. S. L. Lamb. Miss Oakes was to have been crowned when band members made their first appearance in new uniforms but illness prevented the ceremony.”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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