Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for March 27th

Rachel Whitney, Curator,
Sapulpa Historical Museum

Wednesday, March 27, 1912, Sapulpa Evening Democrat: Mattox Has Good Alibi

“Clyde Mattox did not commit the Kiefer bank robbery. At least he had a perfect alibi and Justice Root could do nothing else but turn him loose. At the time of the robbery two persons saw the two men in front of the Kiefer bank building between the first and second explosions and saw them enter…From the two a Frisco detective obtained a good description and the result was Mattox’s arrest, as it was stated by parties who knew Mattox that he had been seen in Kiefer the day of the robbery. As to the alibi, Chief Tilgman, of Oklahoma City made affidavit that Mattox was there and went to Texas and three Texas men came here and said Mattox was there the very date of the safe blowing.”

Thursday, March 27, 1913, Sapulpa Evening Light: Mayor Smith May Refuse to Sign Grafting Contract

“The grafting contract was put through and notwithstanding the efforts of Mayor Smith backed by nearly a score of the best citizens in town the thieving contractor who has already robbed this city of a bunch of money put another one across and the contract was let to a close corporation akin and a part of the robber band that has already had one big bite out of the financial plum…”


Friday, March 27, 1914, Creek County Republican: To Have Court House

“Creek County is to have a courthouse. The voters said so at the bond election Tuesday. With only half the voting strength of the county cast, the bonds carried by 69 8-10 percent. Under the law it requires 60 percent of all votes cast to carry. There were 2787 votes cast and of this number 1946 were for the issue and 841 against. Bristow city and township only voted nine for the bonds. The west side of the county was against it. Mounds also voted against it. Kiefer and Drumright were strong for the bonds and with Sapulpa and Pickett Prairie, carried the election. There were only seven votes cast in Kiefer against the issue, and just four at Pickett Prairie. An exceedingly light vote was cast throughout the county, only about half the voting population going to the polls. A rain storm came up Tuesday evening and it was difficult to get returns. The Republican telephone was worked overtime up till midnight giving out information as to the result. It required 1672 votes to win, and 1946 were cast in favor…”

Friday, March 27, 1936, Sapulpa Free Press: Five Local Dealers Cooperate in Electric Refrigerator Show

“New 1935 model electric refrigerators as well as new creations in radios and electric washing machines as featured by Creek County Hardware, Oklahoma Tire and Supply company, Sapulpa Specialty company, Wilson Brothers Furniture and F. A. Cowman company, are now on display in the show room of the Sapulpa Motors, Inc., building in the third annual Electric Refrigeration Show. The show will continue through Saturday and as a climax to the event the cooperating dealers will give away two electric Nesco cookers at 9 o’clock. The O. G. and E has a booth at the show demonstrating this new type cooker. New model Ford automobiles are also on display. The interior of the building is beautifully decorated in velour drapes, especially for the annual show. Howard Eden has installed his public address system which is used to furnish musle and to make announcements during the show. The public is cordially invited to attend the show. There is no charge and everyone attending has a chance to win one of the Nesco cookers to be given away…”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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