Rachel Whitney, Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Tuesday, March 21, 1916, Sapulpa Herald: Booze Flowing Freely Aro’nd City Hall
“Booze was free last night in several parts of town convenient to the voters, black and white who had any predilection for the stuff and could be pickled into the right sort of insensibility to the needs of the city. One man was informed by the bunch that he could get all he wanted ‘just across from the oil station,’ whereser that was. Also automobiles manned by city employees did a great deal of running around with the back ends of the cars loaded with something or other that clinked when the springs hit the car tracks. Every artifice that the gang could possibly use and every man who could be persuaded into voting for them on any pretext, or whether he could get a registration certificate to vote in the real election or not, has been wed in the last two days to make the primary vote for the third termers as large as possible…”
Thursday, March 21, 1935, Democrat News: Pretty Water Work Resumed
“After a 10-day shut-down for the purpose of untangling the title to city land at Pretty Water, work was resumed on the dam this week with a large crew of men and teams making headway on construction of the dam. City Manager Fred Boone, County Administrator C. H. Dietz, and Huber Hughes, owner of land surrounding the city’s property at the damsite, got together Friday and Saturday of last week to untangle the title situation to the land. The city now has a deed to land under the water, and back a distance of 100 feet from the high water level. An effort is to be made to secure aid in getting a road built around the dam. Estimates now are that without unforeseen delay, the dam should be completed by the middle of the summer, and normal rainfall next fall should fill the dam by the first of the year.”
Tuesday, March 21, 1950, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Four Sapulpans Admitted to Bar at Capital Today
“Four young Sapulpans who studied law in the same three year term at Oklahoma university were admitted to the bar today at the state capitol with 120 other Oklahomans. The four who began their class together back in 1947 are John Young, Sam T. Allen II, Lloyd Herrmann, and Ben W. Grigsby. Their last examination for admittance to the bar was completed this February. This exam was an eight-hour-a-day exam for four days. The ceremony will take place tomorrow at 9:30 before the supreme court in Oklahoma City…”
Monday, March 21, 1977, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Reunion Planners Meet for Business, Dinner
“A dinner and planning session of the Reunion committee for classes of ’31, ’32 and ’33 was held Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the dining room at Little Gem Restaurant. In charge of the meeting was Clayton Duckworth, chairman. Those attending included Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stone of Tulsa, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Toney, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Van Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart. And, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Aston, Mr. and Mrs Woody Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anthis, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fulp, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Duckworth. Also, Emma Cuthbert, Lola Reed, Dick Carpenter, Mrs. Philip Lesseig of Grove and a special guest. Mrs. Marie Duckworth of Ontario, California…”