Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for March 13th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Friday, March 13, 1908, Union News: Says Sapulpa Will Be Great

“The Hammond Iron Works of Warren, Pa., have a representative spending several days in the city looking after a share of the trade for the building of the big refinery. Work is to be commenced on the refinery at once and rushed to completion. There are so many good big things coming into Sapulpa that we are inclined to believe Oklahoma City will shortly find us a hot competitor for the obtainment of the honor of being the metropolis of the Southwest. The representative of the Iron Works stated to a News man that Sapulpa would soon be a big city, outgrowing the largest hopes of her own citizens.”

Friday, March 13, 1914, Creek County Republican: The Street Car Extension

“Work has started on the extension of the street car line to the Sunflower and Schramm glass plants. The new line will have its connection at the west end of the Lee Avenue line. Three bridges have to be installed. Work will be pushed as fast as possible. When completed this line will be great convenience to the glass workers and to the public.”


Friday, March 13, 1936, Sapulpa Free Press: WPA Projects Wait Material

“After two long years of working under various governmental agencies the Pretty Water dam is almost completed, according to City Manager Fred Boone. Last concrete for the core wall was poured this week, and some more dirt filling and a little more work on the spillway is all that remains to be done to Sapulpa’s new lake. While work on this project has been going ahead in good shape recently, two other projects are delayed waiting for material. The reservoir project needs sand stone and cement for foundation for the reservoir and lead to caulk the pipe. Boone went to Oklahoma City last week to try to trace requisitions for this material and got some of them in motion. Bids for the lead are to be opened Monday and bids for cement are asked for March 18. In the meantime some 50 men were transferred to another project, while 40 men remained on the job excavating. The paving project in the southeast part of town is held up waiting for rock, with about half of the curbs laid on the job. All the walls for the new swimming pool at the city park are laid, and work was started this week laying foundation for the buildings, dressing rooms, etc. A project of little interest now, but one which will be appreciated next fall is nearing completion, that is the new grandstand at Holmes park. This stand, to seat approximately 1,000 spectators, is quite an addition to the field. It is strongly constructed of heavy pipe with strong wide seats bolted to the supports.”

Tuesday, March 13, 1973, Democrat News: OSU Alums Will Honor Top Pupils

“Outstanding high school juniors of Creek county will receive special recognition Tuesday night at the annual Oklahoma State University Alumni Association Honors Banquet. The banquet, scheduled for 7 p.m. in the Sapulpa High school cafeteria, is sponsored by OSU alumni of Creek county. Dr. Tom Ritchie is local president and will be master of ceremonies. Honor students, representing the academic top 10 percent of their junior classes, will be able to obtain literature informing them of scholarships available at OSU, student loan program, housing facilities, and information about specific areas of study. Program will include entertainment by OSU students and a color sound film about life at the university. Each of the students will be presented a certificate of academic achievements from the association.”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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