Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for January 8th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Monday, January 8, 1912, Sapulpa Evening Light: New Depot At Mounds

“Frisco Railway promises to see that the little city is provided for. The Frisco Railway may build a new depot at Mounds. The mayor and council of that town complained recently to the state public utilities commission concerning the present depot at Mounds. The commission investigated and ordered a new depot. A Mounds man in this city today said he expected the work to start at once. He also said that Mounds people want to be connected with Sapulpa by interurban and would boost a proposition to that end.”

Tuesday, January 8, 1924, Sapulpa Herald: May Close Places of Poor Fame

“Sapulpa’s one great opportunity to rid itself of the rooming houses which are harboring the lowest, degraded type of citizenship has now been placed in the hands of the city commissioners. A letter was presented to the board last night at their regular meeting from Ralph R. Morey, Chief of Police, asking them to pass an ordinance, ‘so constructed that it will be necessary for the proprietor or proprietoress of rooming house, hotel, or light housekeeping rooms, to appear before the city manager, commissioners, and chief of police, to obtain a license.’ Bartlesville passed a similar ordinance last year, and since then, it has cleaned out the persons who migrate into the rooming houses and hotels, to ply their illicit trade. Chief of Police Morey also recommended in his letter, that the license fee even be as low as one dollar, and the requirements to obtain it are that the applicant must have a good clean record, must give references, and must have a clean moral record…”


Wednesday, January 8, 1964, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Open House Set For Countains

“Creek County is one of three counties in which residents have been in which residents have been invited to another in a series of open house being held by Gov. and Mrs. Henry Bellmon at the mansion. R.W. (Bill) Treeman of Sapulpa, Creek County Republican chairman, said Wednesday, the open house from Creek, Okfuskee, and Lincoln Counties has been scheduled Sunday, Jan. 19…Tickets will be issued in an effort to control the size of the crowd. Tickets for Creek Countains will be available through Treeman, who said he had not received the ducats by noon Wednesday nor did he know how many to expect…”

Thursday, January 8, 1981, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Microfilm Project Place No. 1 on Docket of New Court Clerk

“…Bobbie Williams has been on the job 10 years and that’s how she felt after going to work today. Mrs. Williams employer is the public and she recently was promoted as the head of her third-floor Creek County office, where she is to serve as County Clerk for the next four years. The county office has four divisions: two in Sapulpa, a third in Bristow, and another in the Drumright office where Mrs. Williams began in 1970. Since going to work the court clerk office, she has served as second deputy and third deputy. As second deputy, she handled mainly probate cases; as third deputy she worked as bookkeeper. Now under her administrative control are the four divisions of the court clerk office…Thousands of records of all kinds…are maintained by employees of the court clerk office. One project Mrs. Williams is hopeful soon will be initiated a plan to complete microfilming of records, a task which began in 1974…”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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