Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for January 4th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Thursday, January 4, 1923, County Democrat News: Cows Are Needed in Creek County

“Creek County needs more cows. As a proof of this statement it has been demonstrated that there are not enough cows in Creek County to supply milk for a creamery. There is a great amount of butter shipped daily into Sapulpa, and the manager of the Sapulpa Ice Cream Company decided to give Sapulpa a creamery, supplying the great demand for butter here. The machinery to operate a creamery was bought and is stored in the Sapulpa Ice Cream Company factory building, and is not in use as the supply of cream here will not warrant the operating of a creamery…The Sapulpa Ice Cream Company will, in the spring, operate a creamery giving Sapulpa the home made product, but to do this it will be necessary for the company to establish a cream station in a diary district in this state and ship the cream here. The Sapulpa creamery will commence operation some time this coming spring. A creamery in Sapulpa will supply a great need here, and more cows in Creek County would greatly aid in supplying this need of a home product, good fresh butter.”

Friday, January 4, 1935, Sapulpa Free Press: Chieftains Travel to Muskogee Saturday

“Although school does not start until next Monday, the high school basketball team has not been vacationing all through the holidays but has been practicing regularly in preparation for its second conference game at Muskogee Saturday night. Coach Art Fleak has been drilling his boys hard on teamplay during the past week, and members of the team are intent upon beating the Roughers on their own court Saturday night…”


Saturday, January 4, 1936, Sapulpa Herald: Welfare Council Report for December Complete

“The December report of the community welfare council was released today. A total of 775 loaves of bread were given out; 13 articles of clothing distributed; 7 pairs of shoes donated to the poor; 11 grocery orders approved. Four were supplied with medicine, 2 provided with bedding, and 2 given stoves. Seventy gallons of milk were distributed, 15 loads of wood, 64 Christmas baskets given, 70 home visits made, and 89 office interviews held. There were a total of 753 applications for transient relief, a total of 539 meals given, 224 beds given and transportation made possible for 3.”

Sunday, January 3, 1976, Sapulpa Daily Herald: 1975 Building Tops $2 Million

“The estimated evaluation of new construction in 1975 in the city of Sapulpa was off more than 50 percent from the Record $6 million in 1974. The 1975 total evaluation came to $2,740,991, according to figures supplied by the city building inspector’s office. There were 179 building permits issued in 1975, compared with 226 in 1974…The 15 permits issued during the month of December 1975, totaled $292,050 in estimated evaluation. The monthly total received its biggest boost with a permit for a six-unit condominium in the 1000 block of E Thompson. Ken Holloway obtained the permit for the $130,000 structure…”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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