Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for January 2nd

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Tuesday, January 2, 1912, Sapulpa Evening Light: Big Fire Destroys House Near Frisco

“Fire destroyed a three-roomed house worth $400 yesterday when children in the neighborhood of 521 East Jackson Street, the first north of the Frisco round house, accidentally set fire to it. The fire department responded quickly but the flames had gained too much headway for the weakened water pressure to take effect. This is the second fire within two weeks to occur on account of carelessness. Both have been total losses. Children of the city schools fire preventing league have been called upon by the fire department to investigate the causes of the trouble. It is thought that the source of many such disasters can be uprooted by the efforts of the children of the fire prevention league.”

Wednesday, January 2, 1935, Sapulpa Herald: Paving is Almost Done…Sapulpa Rotary Has Birthday

“The Roy Tanner Paving Company is rapidly completing the job on South Main Street. Yesterday evening at quitting time concrete had been poured to within fifty feet of the south end of the new bridge The foreman in charge stated that with three more days of good weather the job could be completed. Twenty-one days will be required for the concrete to ‘set’ before traffic will be permitted over it. Then the road will be opened and all detours ended. This stretch has been closed since early last spring while a couple of  new bridges were being built and the paving relaid with wider roadway…The Sapulpa Rotary Club celebrated its birthday with a banquet Monday evening in the YWCA with an almost perfect attendance of membership most of whom had their wives as guests. A few had other guests until nearly a hundred were seated around the tables…The Rotary Club received its charter on New Year’s evening, 1917, and the event has been celebrated each New Year’s ever since.”


Thursday, January 2, 1941, Democrat News: Spring CAA Training Begins January 15 at Junior College

“The spring aviation program at the Sapulpa Junior College will begin January 15, according to instructions received here from the Civil Aeronautics authority, Dean Harry B. Kniseley said today. All interested applicants are asked to file applications immediately in Kniseley’s office on the third floor of the high school building. The first ten applicants who can qualify will be accepted in order to avoid delay, it was stated. In order to be eligible for the program an applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 26. The course will include 90 hours of ground school instruction and 45 hours of flight training…Total cost of the course to the applicant is $25, which includes medical examination, insurance, and enrollment fee.”

Friday, January 2, 1998, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Infrastructure Rebuilding Tops City Stories

“The rebuilding of Sapulpa’s infrastructure. It’s been a year like no other for Sapulpa’s city government leading up to the Centennial. And many of the projects currently under way will see completion during the Centennial year. Happenings at City Hall over the past 12 months have been referred to as ‘exciting,’ ‘explosive,’ even at times, ‘phenomenal.’ Leading the projects has been the competition of Sapulpa’s EPA-mandated sewer line overhaul. At the end of the year, its success could mean $1 million or more savings to the project’s overall multi-million dollar cost which includes construction of a new sewer plant that must get started in 1998. The city council is asking the citizens to approve a sales tax hike to build the plant. A $1 million public library renovation, and finally, a fix to the long and drawn-out Hickory Street project, also were top stories this past year from the city hall beat…”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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