Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for January 26th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Wednesday, January 26, 1927, Sapulpa Herald: In Society

“The Sapulpa Reading Club held its program meeting yesterday afternoon in the home of Mrs. John F. Murphy, 722 South Main Street. Mrs. Gaylord Wilcox was leader of the program on ‘Appreciation of Better Literature’…Mrs. G.G. Thompson gave the topic ‘First Books in the World and Homer’…On account of the revival meetings the luncheon meeting of the Kalanah Bridge Club to have been held yesterday with Mrs. Glen Finney, has been postponed until a later date which will be announced…There will be no meetings of the Good Cheer Club until close of the Rayburn revival campaign which is being held in the tabernacle…”

Thursday, January 26, 1950, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Sapulpa Today

“A sale of 26 motor vehicles and two trailers will be conducted by army officials at the Douglas plant in Tulsa…Sales will go to persons offering the highest sealed bids…In city police court this morning, one man was fined $10 and costs for drunkenness; and another was fined $15 and costs of drunken driving…”


Sunday, January 26, 1975, Sapulpa Daily Herald: SNB Names 2 Directors

“J.W. (Joe) Sherwood and Edward D. Hamilton have been appointed to the Security National Bank board of directors, it was announced Friday by Dwight Maulding, president. Action came at the Security board’s meeting Jan. 21 in which another year of growth for the bank was reported. Sherwood, president of Sherwood Machine Co., located in the 700 block E. Taft, is a native Sapulpan and graduate of Sapulpa High School. He served his apprenticeship as machinist to his father, the late J.W. Sherwood Sr. He was employed as shop foreman at Hanlon-Waters Co. in Tulsa five years before returning to Sapulpa to start the Sherwood Machine Co. in late 1945. Joe and his wife Peggy have two sons, Joe Jr. and Charley…Hamilton, of Tulsa, is vice president and secretary of the South West Packing Inc., located on the TSU industrial tract north of Sapulpa, where he directs the sales force for a 5-state area. A native of Marietta and graduate of the University of Oklahoma school of business, he won the Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal while serving with the Army Air Force in World War 2 in the Europe and China-Burma-India Theaters…He and his wife Margaret reside in Tulsa…”

Monday, January 26, 2004, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Driftwood Garden Club

“Driftwood Garden Club met in the home of Betty Click for the first meeting of 2004. Margie Sechrest led the group in repeating the gardener’s creed. President Maxine Moore called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Maxine announced some important events for February. Renovations of the Tulsa Rose Garden is slated for a facelift. Plans are under way to raise money for this project. A fashion show, book review, and luncheon is planned for Feb. 19. Cost will be $12 per person. Nine members are planning to attend. On March 9, the northeast district spring convention, ‘Tropical Paradise’ will be held. State convention is scheduled for April…”

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