Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum
Friday, January 24, 1908, Union News: Liquor Sellers Are Captured

“Sheriff King got out his go-get-them clothes last night and arrested six alleged bootleggers. The joints are all closed today and business in getting out of the way of drunks is on the bum. He first raided Harrell’s place on Main Street, formerly the Club, and arrested Mr. Harrell and his bartender, Mr. Miller. He caught them dead to rights disposing of Budweiser beer. The next on the list was the Smoke House on East Dewey. Here the sheriff arrested Mr. Beatty, a clerk, and the proprietor, Mr. Chas. Apperson. In this place he found about twenty-five unbroken cases of whiskey, but on account of the lack of stringency of the law he could not confiscate. The Arcade restaurant on Water Street next received a visit, and here King arrested both Mr. Clendenning and Mr.s C.C. Warren. Mr. King stated to our reporter hat in this case as in the one of Harrell’s, he saw the goods transferred to the purchaser. Just here is where the law is lax, inasmuch as this must be seen before a conviction can be secured. In this place, the sheriff found about $400 worth of whiskey. The Arcade was raided the night before but in the absence of Mr. Warren, only Mr. Clendenning was arrested. Ross Hayoff of Bristow, was caught leaving Kellyville with ten gallons and one pint of whiskey. He was discharged as it was the opinion of the county judge and county attorney that he had not committed an offense, though he was taking the whiskey to Bristo and so admitted. Here is the laxity of the law again, not the officials of the law are to blame…”
Friday, January 24, 1936, Sapulpa Free Press: Mission Paving is Released by WPA

“Word has been received by City Manager Fred Boone, that the Mission Street paving project has been released by WPA officials at Oklahoma City, except that no money has been allocated for the one block of paving. However, everything else is in readiness, so just as soon as the money is released the project can be started. This project is one of importance for Sapulpans, as the one block has been in such bad condition for so long, that officials have tried in anyway possible to get it paved. Since two federal highways traverse this street, some leniency was shown by WPA engineers to approve the project, which does not meet WPA requirements as to percentage of money spent on labor.”
Monday, January 24, 1994, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Tribe Experiences Population Boom

“Cherokee Nation officials cite a high birth rate and hard economic times for a marked increase in the tribe’s population. In 1983, the tribe counted 41,400 members. Today, that number has increased to 152,000. Comparatively in that period, Oklahoma’s population dropped from 3.29 million to an expected 3.23 million when census data is calculated…Since 1989, the Cherokee Nation population increases have averaged around 12,000 a year with around 85 percent through newborns. Five percent of the people applying for membership are found to be ineligible. To become a tribal member, a person must have an ancestor on what are commonly known as the Dawes Commission rolls. The enrollment took place from 1899 to 1906, the year before Oklahoma gained statehood. At that time, an individual was required to live within the Cherokee Nation, which today covers 14 counties in eastern Oklahoma, and their names had to appear on previous tribal records. The blood degrees required to be on the rolls ran from full-blood 156th. Presently, the required blood degree for membership in the Cherokee Nation is from full-blood down to one in 2,048 or 12,048th…Other tribes in Oklahoma have similar or no blood quantum requirements as long as an applicant can show the slightest amount of Indian blood.”
Thursday, January 24, 2008, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Noted Oklahoma Author to Visit Library

“Friends of the Sapulpa Library will host an author signing event on Saturday, Jan. 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on site at the Sapulpa Public Library. Oklahoma’s own Lou Dean will be talking about her journey as a writer. In 1993, when a dog named Jake saved her from a life-threatening accident, she became aware of her spiritual connection to animals which led to her award-winning first book, ‘Angels in Disguise.’ her other accomplishments include ‘Paw Prints in My Soul,’ ‘Osage County Kids,’ ‘Reaching for the Reins,’ and ‘Crazy Woman Creek.’ Lou Dean grew up in Osage County, Oklahoma, graduated from Ponca City High School and attended Oklahoma State University…”