Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for January 23rd

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Friday, January 23, 1914, Oklahoma Farmer and Laborer: Killed By Electricity

“When Dick Cornet 28-year-old turned the current into a common electric light bulb at Goodner-Malone produce house, No. 4 North Frankfort shortly after 5 o’clock Thursday afternoon while standing on a damp floor the electric current was conducted to his body and he was instantly killed. Cornet has been employed at the Goodner-Malone produce house for sometime as shipping clerk. His wife, only Tulsa relative, survives him. There were several employees of the company in the same room at the time of the accident. They notified Fire Chief Adler who responded with a motor. After pounding his lungs for two hours and forty-five minutes unsuccessfully, the attempt to restore life was abandoned.”

Saturday, January 23, 1937, Sapulpa Herald: Deepest Snow in Years is Reported in State Areas; Mercury Drops to 8 Here

“A bright sun but a low temperature greeted Sapulpans this morning. The lowest weather registration of the season was recorded around 8 o’clock. At this time the thermometer showed 8 degrees above. Yesterday morning until 11:30 it stood at 12 degrees and started on a gradual rise. Shortly after 3 o’clock it was 17 and remained at this level until about 2 a.m. at which time it started dropping again. A slow rise was seen today. The temperature was 24 at 3 o’clock, this afternoon. Sapulpans realized in full the meaning of ‘snowbound.’ Many cars were stalled and stuck. Traffic was slowed considerably. A number of accidents were reported but no major mishaps…Bus traffic was slightly tardy although the Oklahoma City and Tulsa arrivals were on time…”


Thursday, January 23, 1964, Democrat News: Basketball Coaches are Guests at Rotary Lunch

“Coaches Danny Moore and Ronnie Brillhart were guest speakers at Tuesday’s noonday luncheon meeting of the Sapulpa Rotary Club. Both spoke in behalf of the great winter-time game, basketball, Moore on defensive play and Brillhart in behalf of offensive. Following the talks by the coaches questions were heard from the floor. B. Bomgardner was Rotarian of the day and presented the speakers. Next Tuesday Jay Yeager will have charge of the program, the meeting to be a combined affair with other civic clubs.”

Thursday, January 23, 1979, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Trophy Display Schedule Set

“The Jerry Bailey Memorial Award will go on display in February at Plymouth Drug Store, sponsor of the trophy. It is currently displayed in city hall. The award goes to a Sapulpa High School student, chosen by faculty committee, who is of ‘outstanding character, spiritually alive, intellectually alert and physically disciplined.’ This year’s recipient, Scott Brown, was honored earlier this month. After the public display, the trophy goes to the recipient and a plaque of recognition is placed at Sapulpa High School.”

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