Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for February 18th

Rachel Whitney, Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Thursday, February 18, 1909, Sapulpa Light: Routed as Far as Haywood

“The Sapulpa & Interurban states that its route after passing the Mission grounds is to be straight south until the south edge of the Egan property is passed, and then the route will take a southeast course over some minor allotments to Haywood. Polecat will be crossed just below the bridge of the Frisco, and about a mile this side of Haywood. The route to Haywood will be over the roughest country encountered throughout the entire distance, and will be the crookedest. After leaving Haywood, and until reaching Glenn Pool the route will be over a level, almost unbroken country. The bridge at Polecat will be a sixty-foot structure.”

Saturday, February 18, 1911, Sapulpa Evening Light: Mounds Driving Got Bootleggers Decker Assisting

“As the result of an investigation which showed that the bootleggers of this town, one of them a woman, had been selling ‘white mule’ to the school children here, a bitter campaign has been started which the citizens are determined shall not end until every bootlegger has been driven out of town. Most of the bootleggers have already left town as a result of the visit of County Attorney Victor Decker to this town last Monday and the few that still remain will be arrested if they do not leave town. The investigation by the citizens league showed that there was a regular traffic in liquor between the bootleggers and school boys, and resulted in two boys being expelled from school. The people are aroused and many letters have been written to the county attorney asking his further assistance which has not only been given, but he is expected to adopt drastic methods to enforce the law.”

Friday, February 18, 1916, Creek County Republican: Won Out

“Last night at 6:30 the resolution was passed by the legislature relative to the gross production tax. This has been a hard fought battle. It means to Creek County about $500,000, half in road fund and half in school fund. Sapulpa citizens who went to Oklahoma City and camped with the legislature were JHN Cobb, Judge DA McDougal, Ed Hill, WB Stone, and John Berry. To these men much credit is due. In fact, the whole affair had blowed up before they got busy, but now Creek County will receive it’s $500,000 for roads and schools.”

Thursday, February 18, 1926, County Democrat-News: Hilton News

“Mrs. Camp Powell, who has been sick for the past week or ten days was able to go to Sapulpa Saturday evening…Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson and sons of Sapulpa spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. WL Warren and sons…Camp Powell took his oldest son to the doctor Saturday, he is threatened with appendicitis…Floyd Ritchie bought a new car Saturday evening…”

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