Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for December 30th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Saturday, December 30, 1911, Creek County Republican: Worst in Years

“Sapulpa is shivering from the icy blasts that struck it yesterday noon. The temperature gradually fell from 43 degrees above zero where it stood at 10 a.m. to 14 degrees above at 8 p..m. The streets soon became a sea of ice as slick as glass and all animal traffic had to be abandoned. Dozens of horses that were not shod for icy pavements had to be taken from their vehicles and their feet swathed and bandaged in gunnysacks before they could be gotten to places of safety. The street railway people suffered little or no inconvenience to their rolling stock or overhead wires. The only trouble reported being the blowing up of one of the controllers on the packing plant car at 7 p.m. Business was a standstill during the afternoon and the usual big Saturday’s trade went glimmering. No immediate relief from the raging blizzard is promised. Some points in the far north report weather at 46 degrees below zero.”

Sunday, December 30, 1951, Sapulpa Sunday Herald: Chieftains Ready Friday to Tangle with Roughers There

“The Sapulpa Chieftains set themselves Friday to play Muskogee in the Roughers own court. So far this year, the Sapulpans have a .500 average with three out of six games, the last two games, which lost to Central and Sand Springs, were two-point affairs, losing only b a single field goal. Only once have the Chieftains been decisively beaten this year, by Webster in the first game of the Rogers tournament in Tulsa. The Chieftains went on to defeat Sand Springs and then stubble narrowly before Central in the consolation finals…”


Monday, December 30, 1974, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Assessor Starts Annual County Visits Next Week

“Creek County Assessor Vernard McKinney’s annual visit to towns and communities begins next week, with Mounds to be the first stop. McKinney or his staff members will visit all communities in the county between Jan. 7 and Feb. 20 to assess personal property and receive applications for homestead exemption. Assessor’s staff members will also be in office on the second floor of the county courthouse in Sapulpa during the entire period. Homestead renewal is automatic for those who have claimed it in the past, but taxpayers must still make their annual visit to declare their personal property…”

Tuesday, December 30, 1975, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Local Issues Top Retreat’s Agenda

“The annual Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce retreat will stress local issues more this year than in the past. The retreat is set for Jan. 8-9 Western Hill State Lodge. Panel discussions on the agenda include discussion on the role of the retail merchant, law enforcement in the county, a view of the city by officials of Drumright and Bristow, and the city’s growth trend and its effect on the home builder…The guest speaker for the Friday Luncheon is Clyde Cole, executive vice-president of the Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce…Community reports are schedule by Sapulpa Mayor Ed Wells, Dub Smith, county commissioner, Dr. John Hopper, superintendent of the central Vo-tech, and Bill Warden, the Creek County Health Department Sanitarian…Following breakfast, Ed Livermore of the Creek County Industrial Authority will present a report. Sen. John Young and Rep. Don Thompson will present the legislative report for 1976.”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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