Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum
Thursday, December 20, 1906, Sapulpa Democrat: Fix the Walks
“More attention should be paid to the sidewalks on Main Street and Dewey Avenue. While a great many good walks have been built yet, on Dewey Avenue especially there are stretches that have no walk at all and other places that would be far more safe if the old rattle-traps were torn out altogether. It is positively almost out of the question to get along in the day time let alone at night, in muddy times such as we have been having for weeks, and we believe that the council should force the laying of decent sidewalks along these highways…that women and children can hardly navigate and good Chistian men are for the moment prone to forget what their Sunday school lesson taught them perhaps only a few moments before…Hundreds of dollars with of ladies wearing apparel is ruined in this manner every time a rain or snow falls…”
Friday, December 20, 1912, Creek County Republican: From Bristow Record With B.B. Jones
“R.C. Kinnard, formerly of Sapulpa, has associated himself with B.B. Jones, and will be in local real estate office, handling local affairs. Few men are better posted in that work than Mr. Kinnard. Mr. and Mrs. Kinnard reside in the Albert Ewers property. J.E. Thrift, in charge of the legal affairs of the oil interest of B.B. Jones and M. Jones, will have an office in the State Bank building, just being vacated by Dr. Hubbard, the optician. Mr. Thrift is moving in today.”
Saturday, December 20, 1947, Sapulpa Herald: Employees to Get Bonus Checks Here
“Forty-four employees of the Sapulpa Brick and Tile Company will participate in a bonus distribution today, according to Earl Hermes. A percentage of their annual wage will be the base upon which the distribution will be made. The checks will total several thousand dollars.”
Sunday, December 20, 1992, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Santa Claus Rides Again!
“Yes, there is a Santa Claus. Just ask the 38 children who will receive bicycles and scooters during the Salvation Army’s Christmas assistance distribution Tuesday. The giveaway, sponsored by the Sapulpa Rotary Club, takes used bikes rusting away in garages and puts them in the hands of children who might not otherwise receive a bike for Christmas. Area residents donate the bikes, which are reconditioned by a Sapulpa woman and owners of two local bicycle shops, Terry Carr and Larry Dildine…The giveaway program is not limited to Christmas, said Cheryl Upton, who has coordinated the reconditioning and giveaway more than 200 bicycles over the past three years…”