Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for December 19th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Wednesday, December 19, 1923, Sapulpa Herald: Close Booths Selling Seals

“Because of the apparent lack of interest in the Red Cross Christmas seal sale here this year, it was necessary to discontinue the booths in the downtown districts today according to Mrs. F.E. Lawrence chairman of the local seal sales committee. Sales were so small returns showed that the operation of booths was not warranted. In one instance, only 78 cents was received in an entire day. Out of 800 letters bearing stamps which were sent to residents through the mail a total of $300 was received. No check has yet been made of the self-serving booths which committee members hope will have been patronized more liberally than were the others. No returns have been received by the chairman from the schools to which stamps were sent.”

Thursday, December 19, 1935, Democrat News: City Employees Get Half Check

“Following the usual custom of allowing all city employees early pay for Christmas, the city council in regular session Monday night voted to allow all city employees two weeks pay for Christmas. Employees like this early pay, but point out that their January check will be short two weeks. A fishing ordinance to regulate fishing at Pretty Water which has been discussed at previous meetings was passed…Approval was given the purchase of a large gasoline tank to replace the worn out one dug up recently by the city because the old tank leaked. This new tank is to be placed alongside the railroad tracks at the blind end of Park Street, north of the city hall, instead of adjoining the city hall as the old tank did.”


Saturday, December 19, 1936, Sapulpa Herald: Dr. Longmire Undergoes an Operation Today…Loses Part of Finger…Girl Operated On

“The tables were turned this morning for Dr. W.P. Longmire, local surgeon and physician. He underwent an operation in the Morningside Hospital, this morning for acute appendicitis…Bill Terry, living North Tenth Street, suffered the loss of part of the index finger on his right hand, in a stone crusher…Terry suffered the loss of the index and third finger on his left hand years ago in an accident…Virginia Dean, thirteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Dean, living in the Woods Hotel, is reported to be resting well, after an appendicitis operation yesterday in the city hospital.”

Friday, December 19, 1952, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Sapulpa Barber Named Head Barber Examiners

“A.L. Bradley, Sapulpa barber, was appointed a member of the state board of Barber Examiners by Gov. Johnston Murray. Bradley succeeds the late Joe Gault, also of Sapulpa, in the appointive position. Bradley’s term will run until April 19, 1954.”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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