Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for December 12th

Rachel Whitney
Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Tuesday, December 12, 1911, Sapulpa Evening Light: Curfew Rings Tonight

“Strict measures and even harsh measures start tonight when the city officials begin war on the unfortunate kiddies whos neglectful parents allow them to stay out at all hours of the night. Curfew bell will ring at 8 o’clock tonight, promptly-and not figuratively speaking either. At that time, the fire bell will toll its warning and the signal must find children safely with their parents at home. Picture shows will be warned today that the youngsters must not be allowed in their houses after the time named. They must be warned of the approaching time limit if they attend night performances. Recent troubles caused by lax attention to the ordinance has caused the city fathers to take the step. Commissioner Hilles will personally see that it is carried out.”

Tuesday, December 12, 1916, Sapulpa Herald: Another Handsome Residence to be Built South Main

“D.R. White has bought a vacant lot on Poplar of J.W. Downie, adjoining the Frank Gilbert corner, and will remove his house from the corner of Main and Cleveland to it. It is understood that a well known citizens of the city has purchased Mr. White’s lot at the last named address and that the purchase means another handsome residence to be added to those of South Main.”


Tuesday, December 12, 1922, Sapulpa Herald: Farmer Course to be Offered

“Farmers of Creek County will have an opportunity to learn much about dairying, fruit raiding, and truck gardening when the two-day short course put on by the A&M College and U.S. Department of Agriculture is held here beginning at 9:30 Thursday morning. The sessions will be held at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. The course is free to all who wish to take it. There will be talks by specialists and general discussions by men engaged in the work. Special problems that come up in Creek County will be discussed. County Agent J.W. Riley and the program committee, O.R. Bennett, Virgil Wilson, and Bob White, have arranged an interesting and practical course of instruction…”

Tuesday, December 12, 1933, Sapulpa Herald: Sapulpa Dog Wins State Field Prize…School Christmas Holiday Plans are Announced

“A fifteen inch Sapulpa English Beagle dog won second place in the AKC contest Sunday held at the Oklahoma City Kennel Club, it was announced today. She is Bonnie B. belonging to G.B. Brown of this city. The dog was handled by Harry Brill of Tulsa in the exposition of canine field craft. Bonnie B. was given a thirty minute trial and her performance won her the second coveted place. Her duty was to be turned loose in the field, find a rabbit, and drive it before her huntsman escort…School vacation plans were announced today by E.H. McCune superintendent of the city system. Classes will dismiss for the Yuletide holiday Friday, Dec. 22 at the regular hour and will reconvene at the regular time on January 2. Christmas programs will be held at all the buildings either on Thursday night preceding the vacation period or on Friday afternoon. The teachers’ annual Christmas dinner will be held the evening of Dec. 19. President A.M. Beason of Central State Teachers’ College will be the speaker.”

As the curator for the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum, there’s not a lot about Sapulpa’s history that Rachel isn’t aware of or at least able to find our more about. Her popular column “This Week in Sapulpa History” is an inside look at the events that shaped Sapulpa from the time of its founding to now.

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