Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for April 6th

Rachel Whitney, Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Thursday, April 6, 1933, Democrat News: Students Here for Tour of Inspection

“Twelve senior and junior students of the dairy department of Oklahoma A and M. college, accompanied by Profs Earl Weaver and G N Keith of that department, visited in Sapulpa Wednesday afternoon, while on a tour of inspection of dairies and dairy plants in Northeastern Oklahoma. The students visited the Sapulpa Cooperative Creamery also enjoyed a thorough in spection of the Liberty Glass factory As students of dairying, the visitors enjoyed very much watching the manufacture of milk bottles, and appreciated the invitation extended them by the Liberty Glass company officials, to inspect the plant. Souvenir milk bottles, and advertising matter, were presented these potential customers after they had been shown throughout the bottle factory.”

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