Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for April 4th

Rachel Whitney, Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Monday, April 4, 1910, Sapulpa Evening Light: Fifteen Thousand Shares of Sapulpa Fire Insurance Company Stock Sold

“Remarkable is the demand for Sapulpa Fire Insurance company stock. Though it has been on the market for less than a week already nearly 15,000 shares have been subscribed. This morning twenty-five additional stock salesmen were added to the present large force in the local office and there are now working out of Sapulpa fifty men, representatives of the company are also waging an active campaign in practically every state in the union and reports come that they are meeting with great success. News comes from Shawnee that J.W. McRae, general sales agent has disposed of 2,000 shares to investors in that city. Thesepeople were among the original stock-holders in the Western & Southern Fire Insurance company, and realizing the profits received on their investments in that concern were anxious to purchase stock in the local corporation before the price advances. One of the results that will follow the organization of the Sapulpa Fire Insurance company will be that the money now sent to fill the coffers of eastern and foreign companies will be retained and invested in Oklahoma. As an example of the enormous amount of money sent out of the country each year for insurance premiums, it is a matter of record that in 1908 the Liverpool, London & Globe Fire Insurance company of Liverpool, England, collected in the United States $7,427,617.63 in fire insurance premiums.”

Saturday, April 4, 1914, Sapulpa Evening Democrat: Postoffice Receipts

“Postmaster Vaughn is gratified with the showing made by the Sapulpa postoffice. The receipts for March 1914 over March 1913 show a gain of over 36 percent. The gain for the year that is from April 1 to March 31 shows 17 percent over the previous year. At the present rate the receipts of the Sapulpa office will be a record breaker this year, and the fact that the post office is showing such a healthy condition is but another evidence of the growing of the city.”


Tuesday, April 4, 1916, Sapulpa Herald: Officers Too Busy to Hunt for Burglars

“The home of G. L. Schnerder at 208 N. Linden was entered by thieves last night and $15 taken from the trousers hanging near the bedroom door. Two ladies purses were also taken and searched outside of the kitchen window at which they entered. The robbery is thought to have occurred between one and 3:30. At three forty-five the police were called and the station promised to send an officer to the scene. At eight o’clock this morning the Schnerder’s were still waiting for the policeman.”

Tuesday, April 4, 1972, Democrat News: Doctors Office Drive Resumes in Bristow

“Letters are being mailed to prospective contributors in an effort to complete the fund-raising phase of a project to build a doctors’ office building south of Bristow Memorial Hospital. Bristow Memorial Hospital Foundation is accepting pledges of at least $35,000 of the total $100,000 court of the project with local banks agreeing to loan the balance.”

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