Spotlight on Sapulpa: Headlines for April 2nd

Rachel Whitney, Curator, Sapulpa Historical Museum

Saturday, April 2, 1910, Sapulpa Evening Light: Honk! Honk! Ride of Carrier Boys Delivering Light Causes Sensation on Sapulpa Streets

“Did you receive the Light last evening? If not, it was not the fault of the management, for in addition to the regular edition, two thousand extra copies were printed promptly at 5 o’clock the ‘newsies’ seated in automobiles and accompanied by representatives of the Sapulpa Fire Insurance company began the delivery. Every home in the city, was visited, the humble cottage, as well as the stately mansion, and a copy of Sapulpa’s leading newspaper was left at every place. Subscribers and non-subscribers were treated alike. It was the big event in the lives of the newsboys and were envied of the younger generation of Sapulpa. Delivering newspapers in touring cars is not an every day occurrence, and yesterday’s stunt pulled off by The Light was probably the only show of the kind ever put on in any city in the United States…”

Friday, April 2, 1920, Creek County Republican: Farewell Party to Rev. J.E. Burt Given

“The many friends and parishioners of Rev. J. E. Burt, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Sapulpa, will hold a farewell party in his honor in the church rooms Friday night. Rev. Burt is soon to leave for Oklahoma City where he will take up the duties of financial agent for the Methodist University. Rev. Burt has been pastor of the local church for nearly three years and has made a host of friends in this city who will be sorry to see him leave. Rev. Marshall, of White Cloud, Kansas, who is to succeed Rev. Burt in the active work of the church, is expected to be present at the party also and a regular church welcome will be extended to him at that time.”


Thursday, April 2, 1925, County Democrat News: County Commissioners Meet with State Highway Officials

“County commissioners from counties that have recently voted highway bonds conferred Wednesday with the state highway commission regarding the status of their bond issues. In some counties, like Comanche, the bonds were voted on the definite promise that the state and federal aid funds would contribute 50-50 to the construction of the roads. In others the understanding was implied rather than written. In all counties where bonds have been voted it has been necessary. In order to get the support of majority voters, to include some county as well as the state roads in the system to be saved. The new gasoline tax law, which was to separate absolutely the functions of the state and county commissioners, has made it extremely doubtful whether the state commission can carry out its part of the agreement in these counties that have voted bonds, at least in regard to extending aid for county highways…”

Friday, April 2, 1937, Sapulpa Free Press: New City Reservoir to be Filled Monday

“Sapulpa’s new water reservoir, constructed on North Heights will be ready to start pumping in water next Monday, H. D. Pickett, city water department superintendent, predicts. It will take about 10 days to fill the reservoir. Wednesday a crew of workmen finished taking out forms and other debris. and a few days will be required to wash out the reservoir and disinfect the walls. Since the reservoir will hold 2 million gallons of water. Pickett plans to pump in around 200,000 gallons daily so as not to overload the pumps at the station. At this rate it will take about 10 days to fill the reservoir and after it is full, the gates will be left open and will always remain full. Pressure from the reservoir will equal pressure put on the lines by the pumps.”

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