Spotlight in Sapulpa: Headlines in history for August 24th

Rachel Whitney, Curator,
Sapulpa Historical Museum

Friday, August 24, 1906, Sapulpa Light: Contest Prizes Offered

“Following prizes for contests at Celebration Tuesday: pony race wins a hat by P’ater Bros.; sack race wins a hat by Graham & Welch Bros.; three largests ears of corn wins a year sub. To farm paper by Whitaker, the druggist; largest water-melon wins $5 cash from First National Bank; tallest stalk cotton wins $5 cash from Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank;…best loaf bread made by girl under 16 wins souvenir spoon by Rakeman & Son; girl with brightest red hair wins vase from Central Drug Store; longest running jump wins pair shoes by Fisher & Unger; nearest correct guess to number of thousand feet of gas consumed in Sapulpa in thirty days wins inverted gas lamp by Central Light & Fuel Co.; best trimmed hat by aman wins cake by V. Blake Bakery; largest number of persons hauled to grounds in one wagon wins 25 lbs sack of Ben Hur flour by B.M. VanOrman Grocery; winner of spelling match wins rocking chair by J.G. Street & Co…catching greased pig wins pipe by Dr. Turner’s Drug Store…oldest man on grounds wins pig by Williams Meat Market…ugliest man present wins bottle perfume by City Drug Store…tallest girl under 20 wins bottle perfume by City Drug Store; farmer with longest whiskers wins pair of overalls by Territorial Stock Exchange.”

Friday, August 24, 1956, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Fire Strikes Twice Yesterday in City Homes; One Destroyed

“Flames struck at two Sapulpa homes within six hours last night, destroying the contents of one and badly damaging the other. Firemen at 11:05 a.m. yesterday went to 311 S Walnut…Firemen were able to put out the flames, but the home and its contents were badly damaged with much of it a complete loss…At 4:30 p.m., firemen sped to a home on North Mann Street. The fire had already gained a lead on the firemen, and when the hoses were connected to a fire hydrant several hundred feet away, the pressure was too low to permit firemen to work on the blaze…a second fire truck was hooked up near the hydrant which in turn provided pressure for the hoses to finally work effectively…”


Monday, August 24, 1987, Sapulpa Herald: Water Line Break Fixed

“City crews finished repairing a water line break at Walnut and Hobson Streets around 3 a.m. Sunday, but were faced with a break on Spruce St today…Water customers throughout most of the city as well as in the Sapulpa Rural Water District complained of dirty water Friday and Saturday due to the break at Walnut and Hobson Streets…The line where the Walnut and Hobson break occurred had been part of the city’s water system for about 70 years…”

Wednesday, August 24, 2011, Sapulpa Herald: City to Acquire Armory

“…the City Council approved a memorandum of understanding with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality for the acquisition of the Armory building on West Dewey. City Manager said the Street Department is moving to the six-acre property. The Oklahoma National Guard is closing the Armory. The State of Oklahoma requires the City work with the DEQ for remediation due to the possible presence of asbestos due to the age of the building…”

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