Spotlight in Sapulpa: Headlines in history for August 22nd

Rachel Whitney, Curator,
Sapulpa Historical Museum

Monday, August 22, 1927, Sapulpa Herald: Crop Experiment to be Held Here

“Special attention will be given to clover, soy beans, and peas. The third annual field crop experiment will be held tomorrow at the Creek County Field Crop Experimental Plots in cooperation with the Agronomy department of the A. and M. college. The location of the field is as follows: go south on Main Street from the corner of Sapulpa State Bank to the end of pavement, turn east one-half mile and the field is on the southside of the road, just southeast of the Southern Heights Cemetery. Special attention will be given to at least fifteen varieties of cow peas, soy beans, and sweet clover. Ten varieties of corn, twelve of cotton, and twelve fertilized plots of cotton, and the results of the oats and barley…”

Tuesday, August 22, 1933, Sapulpa Herald: Cigaret License Warning is Issued

“County Clerk, Paul Zimmerman, issued a letter today in which he proposes to protect cigaret dealers. It is of particular importance to the licensing of cigaret dealers. ‘It has been called to the attention of this office that certain persons have been calling upon cigaret dealers and leaving the impression that they have been exclusive authority to make cigaret dealer’s bonds and procure license for same and then change the dealer a fee for making a personal bond. This is to inform you that this office approves all cigaret dealer’s bonds and issues the license to each dealer in Creek County, and this office has never authorized any person to call upon dealers to make bond or solicit the issuing of a license. Anyone desiring a cigaret dealer’s license may obtain one frm the County Clerk by sending this office a surety bond or a good and sufficient personal bond and by paying the regular fee for license of $27.10”


Saturday, August 22, 1942, Sapulpa Herald: Second Scrap Metal Drive Scheduled for Next Week

“On orders from the war department board, an intensive one-week scrap metal drive will be held here next week under the direction of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Civilian Defense Committee. Because of the possibility of the opening of a second front in Europe, greater production of armaments is required and a total of 17,000,000 tons of scrap metal are necessary for the operation…the last drive held here yielded 80 tibs if scrap materials, and three times that amount must come form Sapulpa next week…As complete coverage of the city is necessary to bring in the required amount of scrap, all persons who have available trucks are asked so that a workable schedule may be set…Because of the tire shortage, Sapulpans are asked to take their scrap metal to the official salvage depot located on the corner Hobson and Park, across from the City Hall…”

Monday, August 22, 2005, Sapulpa Daily Herald: Grand Opening

“Russell Crosby, Sapulpa Rotary President, cuts a ribbon to signify the grand opening of the Sapulpa Rotary Centennial Water Park with Rotary members and citizens surrounding him Saturday. Past Presidents, Judy Rothrock and Rick Engleman, gave short speeches before the ribbon cutting ceremony thanking members and individuals for their financial support. After the dedication, children rushed into the spraying water for some fun. Later, Sapulpa City Officials fed the crowd with a free cookout.”

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