Son in Creek County Courthouse bomb scare duo gets 44-months

Christopher Dean Nichols, 23, was sentenced to 44 months after pleading guilty to a charge of conspiracy in connection with a pipe-bomb threat that happened at Creek County Courthouse last May.


Nichols and his father, 53-year-old Berry Albert Nichols, were arrested after suspected pipe bombs were found in a woman’s car in the Creek County parking lot. They were indicted the very next month by a grand jury.

According to a report by The Tulsa World, Christopher Nichols is the one who built the pipe bombs and had his father drive him to the hardware store for the supplies needed. Christopher Nichols says his father didn’t know what he was purchasing at the store, but Berry Nichols says he was aware that his son was building explosive devices.


Both Christopher and Berry maintain that the devices were only meant to scare the woman.

This sentencing is in addition to whatever charges come about as a result of a related case currently pending in Creek County District Court. Christopher Nichols will also have an additional two years of supervised release after serving his prison time. Although similar to parole, supervised release doesn’t take the place of prison time—it begins after a sentence has been carried out.


The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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