Scuffle at Sapulpa gas station results in man getting chased down and struck by pickup

Last Saturday, a man looking to make trouble at a Sapulpa gas station got more than he bargained for when his attack resulted in being chased down and struck by a vehicle just moments later, police said.

According to the affidavit supplied by Sapulpa Police, 43-year-old Darrell Lee Love was standing with his girlfriend outside of the Pop Shoppe at the corner of Teel and Hickory when another man, named Jerrel Foley, walked up and punched Love in the face. Foley then grabbed Love’s alleged girlfriend, and the two began walking west towards Independence street.

At this point, Love got in his truck and drove west to Independence, trying to locate the couple. When he spotted them walking down Independence street, police say he chased Foley “through multiple lawns” and struck him with his truck near a residence on Independence street. Witnesses of the incident report seeing Love exit his vehicle and began shouting at Foley while brandishing a knife.


Foley says that Love had struck him repeatedly with the handle of the knife before he and Buckley had left the station. Officers reported observing a “bleeding wound above Foley’s left ear” that corroborated his statement.

Police said that Love made various comments about using his vehicle to run down Foley, including saying “I’m not going to play these games anymore, because I’m going to kill his a**.” A search of Love’s vehicle turned up a pellet handgun, and a fixed blade knife that matched the description of the one that witness said they spotted in Love’s hand.

Foley was transported to St. John’s Medical Center in Sapulpa, where he was believed to have been treated for a broken femur. Love was arrested on charges of Assault and battery with a deadly weapon.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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