Scouts BSA prepare for recruitment rally on Monday


Scouts BSA Pack 504 invites ALL youth grades KG-12 to join us for a recruitment rally. Monday October 4, 6:30 at First Presbyterian Church Sapulpa. (Corner of Lee & Oak, enter Centennial Hall on the southwest side of the building). There will be a make-and-take knot craft for all youth. All youth MUST be accompanied by an adult, please.

More and more we see posts on social media about things that “should be taught in school”. Seems we are short on what was considered common knowledge back in the day. Schools are doing their best in these changing times and honestly, our teachers and administrators are run ragged. So, where can our future leaders learn the life skills so important to the well-being of our community? Scouting!


Sapulpa has 2 Troops (grades 6-12) and 2 Packs (KG-5). In Scouting kids learn about their community by visiting fire, police & city council. They learn about our country and how to properly care for and respect our flag. They learn about caring for other people, our world and themselves. The best part – they learn all these things WHILE HAVING FUN!!

Scouts BSA now includes girls. We’d love to see Sapulpa’s adventurous ladies show up & get a girl Troop or Venture Crew going. Girls currently meet with boys at the Pack level (grades KG-5). Troops (grades 6-12) are not co-ed. Venture Crews (age 14-21) are co-ed, but follow VERY strict guidelines about adult leadership & overnight situations. To learn more about group options click here: 

Did you know that many of Sapulpa’s and the nation’s leaders are Scouts? We have city councilmen, judges & school board members who were all a part of Scouting in Sapulpa. City Councilman, Richard Hudson says, “Scouting was a huge part of my childhood, and the memories we made will last a lifetime! I believe my love for the outdoors and conservation came from Scouts and it helped shape me into the person I have become today.”

The Scouting community includes some very important people including many astronauts, presidents, pro & Olympic athletes and business leaders. Check out all the famous scouts here: 

Can’t make the rally, but would like to visit a Pack or Troop? All meetings & registration is open year-round! Message group leaders through their Facebook pages. 

Regular Meeting Times:

Pack 504 – First Presbyterian Church, 111 South Oak, enter northwest side of building (lower level, front, off Oak Street) . Mondays 7pm 

Troop 224 – First Presbyterian Church, 111 South Oak, enter northwest side of building (lower level, front, off Oak Street) . Tuesdays 7pm 

Pack 143 – First United Methodist Church, 1401 E Taft, enter northwest side of building (lower level, back). Mondays 7pm 

Troop 225 – First United Methodist Church, 1401 E Taft, enter northwest side of building (lower level, back). Mondays 7pm 

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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