School Board Member Evicted Alleged Druggie Teacher Last Fall

Megan Sloan, the 27-year-old Holmes Park Elementary teacher that has been arrested for bringing heroin, methamphetamine, syringes and paraphernalia to school, had been renting a house from a School Board Member Larry Hoover as recently as the fall of 2016.

Last September she was evicted and began having her teaching pay garnished in October according to the affidavit.

Sapulpa Times tried to contact Hoover for comment. At press time, he had not responded.


See the court records concerning the eviction here.

The affidavit regarding her arrest on Monday states that Sloan was at the school at the time she was arrested, and that she was found out because her Facebook account had been left open on another teacher’s computer.

That affidavit spells out the items found in Sloan’s possession, and tells the story of how she pawned off two of the school’s iPads to a pawn shop in Broken Arrow.

See the details of Sloan’s arrest here in the affidavit.

Earlier today, Sapulpa Times learned that administrators in Sapulpa Public Schools had been made aware of Sloan’s alleged drug use as far back as July 2015. We’ll continue to update the story as we learn more details.

A. L. Long contributed to this story.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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