Sapulpa’s half-penny sales tax for sewers and sanitation up for election on Tuesday

Citizens of Sapulpa will have the opportunity to vote in a Special Election to extend the City’s ½ penny sales tax for sewer and sanitation, which will not raise taxes or utility rates. Early voting takes place on Thursday, January 7 and Friday, January 8, and Election Day is Tuesday, January 12. This is the only item on the ballot, so the voting process is expected to be quick and efficient. 

In September the City Council passed a resolution calling for an election to renew this tax that was first enacted in 1998 to improve the City’s sewer and sanitation systems. City Attorney David Widdoes says that this is “such an important issue to maintain our current system.” 

Since 1998, much progress has been made with the use of this tax, through the development of the Wastewater Master Plan. Improvements include: the rehabilitation of 12.5 miles of existing sanitary sewer collection lines throughout the City, the extension of 20 miles of new sewer collection lines, the installation or upgrade of dozens of lift stations, pump stations, and interceptors, the major rehabilitation of the sewer systems in the Lazy, Parkview Heights, Woodlawn, Burnett, and Roosevelt subdivisions, and the extension of 20 miles of collection lines to numerous new developments, like Inverness Village, Freedom Elementary School, Castle Creek, Hickory South, The Lakes at Cross Timbers, Pinehurst Apartments, Lakes at Jefferson Heights, Freedom Park, and Oak Leaf Estates. 


The renewal of the ½-penny sales tax will help maintain and improve the City’s sewer collection system and provide funding for crucial upcoming projects such as the maintenance and rehabilitation of 120 miles of the wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system, sewer extensions to new residential and commercial developments, the Capacity, Management, Operations, and Maintenance Program, and the $3.7M in sanitary sewer enhancements identified by the Hobson SSE (site-and-soil evaluation) study needed to increase capacity and efficient operations.  

Another important advantage is that since this is a sales tax, everyone who spends money in Sapulpa, not just residents, will help carry the cost. Again, this election is to renew an existing sales tax—it will raise neither taxes nor utility rates. If it does not pass, however, another funding source would be required from City utility customers. 

Early voting begins Thursday, January 7 at the Creek County Election Board located at 230 East Hobson and ends Friday, January 8. Voting is from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days. To vote on Election Day, Tuesday, January 12, you will go to your usual polling place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

If you have questions about your voter registration status or polling location, visit the State Election Board Website or call the Creek County Election Board at 918-227-6332. 

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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