Sapulpa’s First Presbyterian Church changes name after 127 years

First Presbyterian Church of Sapulpa is now officially known as 1st Church of Sapulpa. The Sapulpa Herald interviewed Pastor Wally Johnson to find out what was behind the name change.

Wally Johnson was pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Sapulpa from 2012 until 2017, returning as pastor on December 1st, 2022.

Photo by Matt Choquette.

The name change occurred just before Pastor Johnson returned as pastor, but he explained the reasoning behind the new moniker. “What they were hoping to accomplish was not to lose the sense of their denominational identity. We are a Presbyterian Church, that has not changed and that will not change.

“I think what they wanted to accomplish was to embrace the idea of the ecumenicity (cooperation between denominations) of the church. There was a sense among some that a denominational label can be confining, and maybe off-putting. So, they had a strategist come in and sit down with them.”

Wally Johnson, pastor of 1st Church Sapulpa. Photo by Charles Betzler.

The pastor further explained the rationale behind the new name: “This church has had a long, long history of involvement in the community. We did a soup kitchen on Tuesday for 25 years, now we are doing what is called ‘Neighbor’s Table.’ The Church has a long history of engaging in the community, and they want to make certain that continues, and that it is re-energized.”

He alluded to some difficulties the church had when a previous pastor started another Presbyterian church in Sapulpa. “That was part of the desire to express to the community that we are still here, we are still viable, we are deeply rooted, hence the name First Church. It was the first church in Sapulpa, dating back to 1895.

“That idea of we are still here, we are firmly planted, we are engaged in ministry to the community, and rather than that going away, it has been enhanced. We are more settled than ever in that calling and purpose. That was the idea behind the rebranding.

“Unfortunately, with the split and the rebranding, it gave the impression to some that we were no longer Presbyterian.”

Pastor Johnson assured the Sapulpa Herald that the church has not left the denomination: “We are a Presbyterian church, We are proud of that reformed heritage.”

He praised the community spirit in Sapulpa and said he was glad to be back in Sapulpa. “There is an energy in Sapulpa that I have not seen for a long, long time. The Chute was part of that, and other things were a part of that. This church had an energy about it that I quickly ascertained that it would be fun to be part of.”

“This is a great community, and I tell people in Tulsa all the time, there is an intense civic pride in this town that unless you are here to experience it, you don’t really understand that dynamic. We have done some neat things throughout the years, and there are some great things going on now.”

1st Church of Sapulpa has had many of its congregants actively involved in the community, including multiple Sapulpa mayors and 2 State Senators

They have also sponsored many programs in Sapulpa, including Caring Community Friends and the Bartlett Academy.

Pastor Johnson wants Sapulpa to know that in spite of the name change, the works of faith and charity will continue as they have for over a century.

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