Sapulpa’s Evan Linfoot attains Eagle Scout ranking

Sapulpa’s Boy Scout Troop 224, chartered through First Presbyterian Church, recently announced a new Eagle Scout, Evan Linfoot.  He joins over 130 Troop members, including his brother Ethan Linfoot, to have reached the highest pinnacle in scouting over the last 97 years.  Evan is the son of Kevin and Cindy Swift and Eric Linfoot.  He is the grandson of Everett (Mack) and Sue McCullough of Sapulpa, Corkey Linfoot of Gutherie, and Bill and Nancy Stone of Bullhead City, AZ.

Evan received confirmation from a Board of Review on October 4, 2017, that he had fulfilled all the requirements to receive the highest honor in Scouting.   He was honored and formally inducted into the fraternity of Eagle Scouts on Sunday, January 14, 2017, at Canyon Road Baptist Church.  He was presented with his Eagle Badge by Scoutmaster, Jimmy Fretz.

For a scout to be considered to the Eagle rank at least 21 Merit badges must be completed.  The candidate must serve for at least six months in a troop leadership position.  They must also plan develop, and lead a service project to any religious, school, or community organization.  The Eagle candidate must pass a formal Board of Review with members from the district scouting community, and take part in a Scoutmaster conference.  The board of review process asks a scout to prepare and attach their application, a statement of ambitions and life purpose, and a listing of positions held in a scout’s religious institution, school, camp, community and other organizations which demonstrate leadership skills.


Evan Philmont 2016To achieve the Eagle Scout rank, which only about 2% of all boy scouts reach, Evan completed 32 merit badges (21 of which are required for the rank), and developed and led a service project that benefited the Sapulpa Public Schools’ Alternative School-Bartlett Academy.  His project entailed refurbishing an assembly room wall, repainting an entry way and hallway, and repainting two outside tables and flagpole.  Evan even purchased a flag with the school mascot for the flagpole.  Evan has served his troop as an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leader.  He currently holds the position of Troop Guide.  In 2013, Evan attended the Boy Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.  Evan also participated in a ten day trek at the Philmont Scout Reservation in Cimarron, New Mexico.  Evan was elected to the Order of the Arrow by his fellow scouts and has completed his Brotherhood honor in this select service organization.  He also was selected and participated in Pine Tree Leadership and National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT).  This young man has been actively involved in scouting for the past 11 years.

Evan is a Junior at Sapulpa High School.  He is a twelve year member of the Cross Country team and a three year member of the Sapulpa Varsity Golf team.   Evan’s goal is to someday play golf at the collegiate and professional level.  He uses his leadership skills learned in scouting in golf, cross country, and his church youth group at Canyon Road Baptist Church in Sapulpa.  


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