Did they call you, too?
If you have a student at Sapulpa Public Schools, you likely got the voicemail about “suspicious clown activity.”
That’s an absurd sentence if there ever was one.
What started as an epidemic over on the east coast has trickled westward until finally, a supposed clown attack happened in South Tulsa, just half-an-hour away from Sapulpa.
Meanwhile, some students in Sapulpa High School reportedly received Facebook friend requests from accounts with clown profile pictures. Somehow, this translated into some sort of threat of a clown attack. The details are still unclear.
Whatever the case, given the attack that happened in South Tulsa this morning, and the recent slew of attacks halfway across the country, Sapulpa administration deemed the threat credible enough to take action, starting with suspending outdoor recess for elementary students, and increasing security at all campuses tomorrow.

At roughly 5:15pm, a voicemail went out to all the parents in the area with students at Sapulpa Public Schools making the announcement about increased security and detailing the seriousness of the situation, including what would happen to teachers or students who took advantage of the situation.
The school could not be reached for comment at press time.
While it’s easy to laugh off this whole incident as a cruel joke, it shines a light on how serious schools are forced to take these sort of rumors these days, regardless of whether they turn out to be anything legitimate.
Many of the parents responding on Facebook agree that the clown epidemic is insane, but they’re still glad that the school is being proactive about the situation and ultimately, hope the whole clown craze blows over.
It’s yet to be determined whether or not these situations will affect the homecoming parade or game next week against Bartlesville, happening Thursday, October 13th at 7pm.