Sapulpa’s Boy Scout Troop 225 travels to Talihina, help prepare camp for 4,000 scouts and leaders this summer

The Sapulpa Boy Scout Troop 225 recently traveled with nearly its entire membership and adult leaders Mike Mozarko and Bill Rochester to Talihina, Oklahoma. This is an annual pilgrimage the Troop makes for service work at Hale Scout Reservation. The work they completed was in preparation for Oklahoma’s Indian Nations Council BSA Scout Summer Camp. While they were there the Troop helped get Camp Hale ready for an estimated 4,000 scouts and adult leaders that will make the journey to stay there this summer. Camp Hale operates seven week-long summer camps for Scouting every year, as well as hosting other Scouting events.

Troop 225 poses for a photo at Camp Hale. (provided)

Duties Troop 225 scouts performed included installing the tent canvases to the frames, setting up cots which were newly purchased this year, and moving supplies in preparation for the numerous activities that the camp will soon be offering. While they were there, volunteers were able to practice archery, enjoy rifle target shooting and were treated to delicious food including  BBQ and chicken with waffles. This year Troop 225 was joined in its service by adult leader J.W. Timmerman and his son from Troop 224.

Tents at Camp Hale (provided)

Troop 225 plans to return to Hale Scout Reservation for more fun and merit badge workshops the first week in June. This year Sapulpa scouts plan to pursue merit badges in plumbing, welding, electricity, electronics, engineering, aviation, wood carving, first aid, archery, programming and piloting drones, photography, snow sports and game design, among many other options offered.


Camp Hale is a 620-acre camp located in the beautiful Winding Stair Mountains nestled in the Ouachita National Forest. Hale Scout Reservation is a premier summer camp destination for Scout troops from many surrounding states. Hale Scout Reservation provides Scouts of all ages with rugged outdoor challenges, high adventure, beautiful scenic views and one of the best summer camp experiences in the nation.

Camp Tom Hale will receive an expected 4,000 scouts and leaders over the course of the summer (provided).

The Scouting experience allows boys and girls to have great outdoor adventures. Scouts develop a love of service by volunteering in local communities and boost their leadership skills through fun and exciting challenges. Scouting is dedicated to creating lifetime memories for both students and their families. No prior Scouting experience is required to join.

Boy Scout Troop 225 is led by Scoutmaster Nabih Elneser and sponsored by the First Methodist Church. Any young men going into 6th grade or higher who are interested in joining Troop 225, or learning more about scouting in general, can contact Advancement Chair, Alana Herron at 918-633-1247 or the First Methodist Church at 918-224-3006. Any young ladies who are interested in joining a Girls’ Scout Troop can contact Stephanie Allday of Troop 1188 at 918-853-7299.

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