Sapulpa Woman Catches Adult Boyfriend Engaged in Sexual Activity with a 14-year-old girl

On Thursday, June 6 a woman went to the Sapulpa Police Department to report that in the early morning hours she witnessed her 23-year old boyfriend in bed with a girl who turned out to be just 14-years-old. The minor girl will be referred to as the Victim in this story. The 23-year-old man was identified as Coalton Payne Guinn (Defendant).

The mother said that earlier that day at her home in Sapulpa she observed the victim kissing the defendant and saw him with his hand down his pants.

She also reported that since this incident she had received numerous text messages from him in which he admitted his participation in the sexual act and apologized for it profusely.


The next day, Friday, June 7, a forensic interview was conducted between Detective Amy Nichols and the victim. During the interview, the victim stated that she and the Defendant had kissed several times prior to this incident and that she had touched his genitals on multiple occasions. She said that the first incident occurred in April of this year and that the last incident was the one observed by the woman who reported Guinn to the police.

Meanwhile, on June 7, a post-Miranda interview was conducted with the Defendant at the Sapulpa Police Department. In the interview, he confirmed that he knew both the woman and the girl in question. He stated that the woman is, or was, his girlfriend. He further confessed to kissing the victim on more than one occasion, touching her breasts, “allowing” her to perform oral sex on him, and initiating sexual acts involving her genitals. He also admitted to knowing that she was only 14-years old during each of these encounters.

As a consequence of his inappropriate and illegal interactions with the victim, the Defendant was jailed on Creek County District Court complaints of lewd molestation and rape by instrumentation.

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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