Sapulpa seniors hire mariachis to serenade principal on their last day

The Sapulpa seniors couldn’t say “goodbye” to principal Johnny Bilby, so they said “Adios.”

The Sapulpa High School Class of 2016 hired a mariachi band to serenade Bilby for their last day of school Thursday, which is also Cinco de Mayo.

“We wanted to go out with a bang and do something that would be remembered for years,” said senior Kelsey Gordon. “We wanted to do something that shows how awesome the class of 2016 really is. I think we achieved.”


The two-man band, decked out in full mariachi attire, busted into Bilby’s office while the seniors started piling in. It got so full that Bilby was forced to take the party into the front office. When the office got full, they went out into the hallway and started a fiesta.

Source: Senior serenade: Sapulpa seniors hire mariachis for principal on their last day

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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